Letter to the Editor Abraham Lincoln

In Support of David Brown and Tara Wurm for Board of Education

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To the editor,

I’m voting for Dave Brown and Tara Wurm for Board of Education this fall, as they will represent our entire community, including the best interest of our children. This past fall many parents spoke up with concerns on how the schools were opened. It is our duty and privilege as citizens to question our elected officials. I shared the personal impacts quarantine had on our family. When I shared my concerns with Dave, he really listened to my concerns.

RTM Budget Meeting 05-10-17

District 2 Registered Voters Invited to Apply for Seat on Representative Town Meeting

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To the editor,

Darien’s Representative Town Meeting ( RTM) has a vacancy in District II. The RTM is the Town’s legislative body and is comprised of 100 members representing six districts. Any registered voter is eligible for election to the RTM in the district where they reside. Interim vacancies are filled though a caucus of district members. RTM responsibilities include passing Town ordinances, appropriating funds , and approving Town budgets and employee contracts.

P2P logo Person-to-Person logo

Person-to-Person CEO: Thanks to Support, Groceries for 1.9 Million Home-Cooked Meals Given Out in 2020

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To the Editor:
Person-to-Person (P2P) would like to thank the community for supporting the record levels of assistance it has provided since the start of the pandemic. In 2020, P2P’s emergency assistance programs provided groceries to prepare 1.9 million home-cooked meals, over $850,000 in financial support and holiday programs to support families and individuals struggling to make ends meet. Over 2,000 winter coats were distributed in partnership with Beiersdorf’s Keep Norwalk Warm event, more than double last year’s distribution. And rather than cancel its annual Toy Store, P2P created a winter wonderland drive-through distribution so 2,000 children could receive board games, books, stuffed animals and gift cards for toys. We would like to acknowledge the many businesses, groups and individuals that hosted donation drives, raised funds or volunteered to make these holiday events successful.

Letter to the Editor Thomas Jefferson

Letter: Selectman Sarah Neumann Supports State Rep Matt Blumenthal for Re-Election

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To the editor:

State Rep. Matt Blumenthal, a Stamford native who represents the 147th District, is up for reelection this fall. Matt has military experience and a legal background which give him a unique perspective in Hartford. He is fiscally responsible and has supported our businesses, while rejecting the shift in teacher pensions to local municipalities. He supports science-based decision-making that has led our state to be a leader in keeping our COVID-19 infection rate low. He has improved public safety with gun laws, and helped state residents by supporting Absentee Ballots for all Connecticut residents this year.

Letter to the Editor Pilgrim

Letter: State Rep Terrie Wood Has the Right Priorities for Connecticut

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To the editor:

I am writing to offer my support for Terrie Wood for state representative. Terrie always takes the time to listen to the concerns of her constituents. I greatly appreciate her practical focus on ending years of fiscal mismanagement in Hartford, which has left one of the wealthiest states in the nation a fiscal disaster. Terrie’s other priorities for her next term are desperately needed right now: rebuilding the local economy with a focus on small businesses, addressing the needs of our education system and the importance of local control of schools, and ending top down control in Hartford so that the voices of the citizens are heard and respected. Terrie Wood is a true public servant, focused on the needs of her community rather than on her own political agenda, and I am proud to support her re-election.

Darien VFW Member: Vets Group ‘in Serious Jeopardy of Being Insolvent,’ Wreaths Across America Needs Help, Too

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To the editor:

The pandemic has hit hard many individuals, organizations, and causes across Connecticut this year. As a member of the [Darien] VFW and the site coordinator for Wreaths Across America, I can attest that both are struggling significantly. Wreaths Across America normally raises the majority of funds for Spring Grove Veterans Cemetery through retail collecting at various locations by the Darien VFW. This year, it did not make sense for elderly veterans to unnecessarily be exposed to getting the COVID virus. Currently, we have raised enough funds to provide for only 149 wreaths.

Letter letters

Democrats Mike Burke and Sara Parent are Driven To Ensure the Best Education for Darien Children

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To the editor:

As a relatively new resident of Darien, I can attest that one of the most important reasons for choosing this wonderful town was the school system. My wife and I have always valued education and it is for that reason that we support Mike Burke and Sara Parent. Both Mike and Sara have demonstrated an unwavering commitment and dedication to the children of our town. Sara has an excellent background in education and has demonstrated a remarkable devotion to education. Likewise, Mike’s commitment to educating our children is inspiring and exemplary of his character.

Letter to the Editor Battle of Braddock's Field

Terry Wood Is Sensible and Honest — and She’s Got Darien’s Back

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To the editor:

Our gratitude, trust and vote once again goes to Terrie Woods for state representative. Terrie always has Darien’s back and is tireless in pursuing the right course and resources for our wonderful town. She is known for practicing fiscal prudence and will work hard to ensure the recovery, viability and success of our local merchants and small businesses. Terrie brings soundness, sensibility, honesty and ethics to our local government, something that should appeal to all Darien residents regardless of their political affiliation. Please join us and support Terrie Wood for  state rep in the November election.