In Support of David Brown and Tara Wurm for Board of Education

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To the editor,

I’m voting for Dave Brown and Tara Wurm for Board of Education this fall, as they will represent our entire community, including the best interest of our children.

Letter to the Editor Abraham Lincoln


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This past fall many parents spoke up with concerns on how the schools were opened. It is our duty and privilege as citizens to question our elected officials. I shared the personal impacts quarantine had on our family.

When I shared my concerns with Dave, he really listened to my concerns. As an attorney and father of four, I know he understood how hard quarantine was on our family. We were so thankful that our eldest was physically in the classroom and this illustrates one reason why we live in Darien.

Keeping local control over our decisions, especially our children is vital. We know our community and children better than anyone, and Dave and Tara will listen to our parents.

Tara is a mother of two, past PTO chair and co-president of Darien Advocates for Education of the Gifted. She’s a current member of the Education Committee of the Representative Town Meeting and is obtaining an M.A. in clinical mental health counseling.

I have no doubt that both Dave and Tara will be able to work together with the current BOE members. They will be vocal defenders of local control, and will oppose any forced regionalization. They will also work to improve transparency and accountability of the BOE, and push for better communication and long-term planning. Please join me on Nov. 2, and vote for Dave and Tara.

Alicia Mehlberg

Christie Hill Road

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