Darienite.com was started in June 2015 by David Gurliacci to give Darienites news and insight into their town with fairness, professionalism and clarity.
We want you to know what’s important enough to understand to cast your vote intelligently in an election or where to decide to go for fun or what deadline you need to meet to get your taxes in or to meet some other local obligation or opportunity. We’re here to inform and to help.
We try to cover all the most important news with information you might not find elsewhere — and present you news you haven’t seen elsewhere. You cannot rely on us to give you all the local news: We don’t have the means to cover everything, and you should never, ever rely on one news organization all the time.
When Darien celebrates a holiday, holds an election, digs itself out of a snowstorm or faces a hurricane, we’re there to tell you about it. We try to warn you of storms and other problems looming up from the horizon as well as recall some of the events fading into history. You will know Darien better — much better — if you read this publication.
We don’t take sides with this or that person, group or party. Even if we’re angry or offended. It’s our job to let you, the reader, decide what to think, not to tell you what to think. It is our job to decide what’s important enough for you to consider on a particular issue — a task that is so serious and so difficult that no human being can actually do it perfectly. But we’ll come as close as we can.
We welcome letters to the editor and opinion articles from the public to help us do that job. We’re thankful when you tell us we’ve got something wrong so that we can correct it. You can always email Dave@Darienite.com with suggestions, complaints, corrections and heartfelt praise (not necessarily in that order).
We try hard to provide insight and perspective on issues without being unfair to any side of a controversy, and we won’t take sides in disputes (our goal is to find the best arguments from any side, to the best of our ability, and present them as best we can to make sure readers know what they are).
We try to be compassionate with people who make fools out of themselves in public, even in some cases that lead to arrests, so long as nobody gets hurt, which is why we often leave out an arrestee’s name. (Every journalist knows how it feels to be foolish in public — there are just too many opportunities when you publish regularly. Those who deny it are lying to themselves or to you. Humility comes with the territory.)
It’s a free service, and we give you this solemn promise: You get a full refund of your reader subscription at any time, whenever you ask for it, for whatever reason.