Letter letters

Letter: Terrie Wood a Voice of Reason on Fiscal Responsibility, Mental Health, Substance Abuse

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To the editor:

I am thankful for all of the hard work Terrie Wood has done in Hartford and she deserves our support again in November. Over the course of five terms, Terrie has consistently provided thoughtful and respectful leadership in Hartford. As the state and national electorate grow increasingly divisive, Terrie crosses the aisle and works for her constituency rather than partisan politics. She brings focus and is a voice of reason for many important issues including fiscal responsibility, mental health, substance abuse, and dyslexia. I am grateful that Terrie Wood is once again running for State Representative of the 141st District (Darien and Norwalk).

Letter letters

Letter: Terrie Wood Is Open-Minded, Able to Work Across the Aisle

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To the editor:

Our community is so fortunate to have Terrie Wood as our state representative for the 141st District – Norwalk and Darien. Her ability to work across the aisle, be open-minded, balanced and thoughtful in creating state policies to truly represent all of her constituents is what makes her such an effective leader. Connecticut’s current state of crisis requires responsible politicians like Terrie. Her focus on common sense solutions is the type of leadership that will help stabilize our economy and create an environment for growth in our state. Terrie also understands our communities and the evolving needs for improved education, healthcare, transportation and environmental policies which will ensure a better future for all of us and our children.

Letter letters

Letter: Terrie Wood Understands State Financial Issues While Addressing Social Issues

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To the editor:

I am writing in support of Terrie Wood’s candidacy to once again represent Darien and Norwalk in Hartford as our state representative for the 141st District. Having known her personally for over 10 years, and watched her work tirelessly to advocate for our town and the state’s best interests during her first five terms, Terrie has consistently proven to be a tough, but fair and balanced public servant. In an environment too often dominated by bipartisan inertia, Terrie has demonstrated both the strength of character to stand up for what is right for her constituency, as well as the wisdom and flexibility to reach across the aisle when leadership is required to drive common sense solutions for the state of Connecticut. Be it her thorough understanding of the financial issues facing our state or her compassion to embrace and work to address social issues, Terrie is the right woman for the job. Matthew Troy
Great Hill Road

Letter letters

Letter: Get Informed About the Candidates Now, Vote on Nov. 6. Both Things Count.

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To the editor:

Dear citizens of Darien,

We have a big election coming up on Nov. 6 and everyone needs to make an informed vote. A few of my friends have said to me, “What difference does it make if we vote or not? I don’t even know who’s running, I’ll just vote for people who sound familiar, it doesn’t really effect me.” Guess what? I used to be one of these people not too long ago.

Terrie Wood Thumbnail

State Rep Terrie Wood: Here’s a List of State Laws I Supported That the Legislature Passed This Term

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Editor’s note: State Rep. Terrie Wood, a Republican who represents the 141st district in the state House of Representatives, emailed this message to constituents on Monday about various new state laws that she supported and that take effect today, Monday, Oct. 1:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

A number of new laws passed during the 2018 Legislative Session take effect today,Oct 1. These laws may have an impact on you, your business, or our community.To see a full list, please click here. I am pleased to have supported the following Public Acts in becoming law:

Public Safety

Public Act 18-90 prevents credit agencies from charging fees for security freezes and doubles (from one year to two) the amount of time businesses have to provide free credit monitoring if an account is hacked. Public Act 18-29 bans the sale or transfer, possession, manufacturing or use ofbump stocks or other accessories to increase the rate of fire of a firearm. Public Act 18-135 criminalizes the act of masking the identity of a caller initiatingrobo calls.

Letter letters

Letter: State Rep Terrie Wood, Running for Re-Election, Has Listening Skills, Thoughtful Approach, Respect

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To the editor:

There could not be a more important time to have Terrie Wood serving as our state representative. Amidst all the anger and vitriol on today’s political stage, Terrie carries the proverbial olive branch.  Fiscally conservative and socially responsible, Terrie delivers on all that is important to Connecticut. Her listening skills are second to none, and I have to imagine her thoughtful approach and respect for all make her the most well-liked politician in Hartford. Terrie’s work on the Human Services Committee as well as Finance, Revenue & Bonding has been nothing short of exceptional. Her passion for and commitment to mental health, dyslexia and gun violence issues as well as fiscal discipline for Connecticut make her the most balanced, responsible legislator we could possibly hope for.

Anupam Kamal Wikimedia Commons gun IOF 32 revolver

Four Democratic Candidates for State Offices to Speak on Gun Violence Wednesday Morning in Darien

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Three Democratic state legislators and a candidate for a state House of Representatives seat will hold a public discussion Wednesday morning in Darien on gun violence and keeping communities safe from it. The “gun safety community conversation” among the four men, all candidates for office in this November’s election, will take place starting at 9 a.m. at The Depot at 25 Heights Road. (The Depot is not a sponsor of the event or involved in its content.)
The four candidates are William Tong, a state representative and candidate for Attorney General; House Majority Leader Bob Duff, a candidate for re-election in the 25th District; state Sen. Carlo Leone, running for re-election in  27th District; and Matt Blumenthal, a candidate for state representative running to replace Tong in the 147th District. Blumenthal is the son of U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal.

Marcy Minnick campaign photo 2018

Marcy Minnick of Darien Loses GOP Primary in 147th District to Stamford’s Anzelmo Graziosi

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Marcy Minnick of Darien resident in state House District 147, lost to Anzelmo Graziosi of Stamford in the GOP primary for state representative in House District 147. Minnick got 430 votes to Graziosi’s 706 (or 38 percent to 62 percent). The seat is currently held by William Tong (who just won the Democratic primary for state attorney general). U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal’s son, Matt, is the Democratic candidate for the seat, which is almost entirely in Stamford. In Darien, Minnick received 163 votes to Graziosi’s 90 (or 36 percent to 64 percent).

Connecticut Democratic Party logo square

In Democratic Primary for Governor, Darien Ranked No. 3 in Support of Lamont & Rejection of Ganim

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Greenwich resident Ned Lamont beat the felonious Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim by 88.2 percent to 18.8 percent across the state. In Darien, the percentage difference was much higher: 94.31 percent to 5.69 percent. Only two other towns in the entire state were more supportive of Lamont over Ganim:

Weston and Westport. Town-by-town election results from Associated Press, as published on the Connecticut Post website, show these figures for Weston (No. 1) and Westport (No.

Jayme Stevenson Primary election night 2018

Stevenson Loses Primary Bid for Lt Governor, Doesn’t Expect It To Be a ‘Last Hurrah’

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While coming in at third place in the three-way GOP primary on Tuesday, Darien First Selectman Jayme Stevenson said “yes, absolutely” she is interested in other opportunities for public office. Stevenson received 19.7 percent of the vote for lieutenant governor in the Republican primary. Joe Markley won the race, with 47.6 percent of the vote, and Erin Stewart coming in at 32.8 percent. Bob Stefanowski won the GOP primary vote for governor, with 29.4 percent of the vote. “Sen. Joe Markley has declared his victory this evening …”

Mather Center Entrance

Town Hall Gym Polling Place Is Changed to Mather Community Center for Tuesday’s Primary

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Voters who normally cast their ballots in the Gym at Town Hall will instead vote downstairs at Mather Senior Center for the Tuesday, Aug. 14 primary. Access to Mather Senior Center, which shares the same 2 Renshaw Road building as Town Hall, is through the lower parking lot. Voters in Districts 2 and 5 normally vote in the gym of the Town Hall building, formerly Mather Junior High School, and before that, the Darien High School building, constructed in the 1920s. Polls in town are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday for the Democratic and Republican primary elections.

Letter letters

Letter: Darien Democratic Town Committee Endorses Some, But Not All Candidates for Statewide Office

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To the editor:

The Darien DTC has met with most of the candidates in the August 14 primary and endorses Ned Lamont for governor, Susan Bysiewicz for lieutenant governor and Darien’s own former state Representative William Tong for attorney general. For Treasurer, both Dita Bhargava and Shawn Wooden have garnered much respect and no endorsement was given. Both are excellent candidates. There are two long years left to the Trump Administration, and the first line of defense to its assault on the truth, the values of inclusiveness and an open society will be in Hartford. It is imperative that Democratic primary voters endorse an electable ticket.

LVW LWV League of Women Voters

League of Women Voters on Registration, Absentee Ballot Requirements for Aug 14 Primary

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In this important election year, the Darien League of Women Voters (LWV) encourages all registered Democrats and Republicans to vote in the CT dual party Primary on Tuesday, Aug. 14. — an announcement from the Darien League of Women Voters

Four Dates to Keep in Mind

Aug. 9 (Thursday) — If postmarked by this date, mailed changes for Unaffiliated voters to Democrat or Republican will be accepted. (This does not include those switching from another party.

Darien RTC logo

Republicans: Remember to Vote in Tuesday, Aug 14 Primary: Darien Republican Town Committee [Advertisement]

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The Republican primary for state and local offices on Tuesday, August 14, will be one of the most important ones in years. Among the positions in play include: Governor (with five candidates running), Lieutenant Governor (including our own RTC-endorsed candidate, First Selectman Jayme Stevenson), and for those in District 3 (northwest Darien), State House District 147 (with Darien’s Marcy Minnick competing). 

To see the full slate of Republican candidates competing for various offices in the CT primaries, please visit www.DarienRTC.com. It’s important that all Republicans come out and vote. If you know you won’t be in town on August 14, absentee ballots are available now at the Town Clerk’s office. You can either go to the “Registrar of Voters” page on the Town’s website (http://www.darienct.gov) to obtain an application to mail in or you can appear in person at Town Hall.

Jayme Stevenson state of town 912-12-16

First Selectman Jayme Stevenson to Stress Women’s Leadership in Her Run for Lieutenant Governor

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Jayme Stevenson recently said she’ll be running for the Connecticut GOP nomination for lieutenant governor, with one of the themes of her campaign that women should play a prominent role in the leadership of the next governor’s administration. “I would like to become lieutenant governor to be part of a team of leaders that can start to move the state in a different direction” from the current Democratic administration of Gov. Dannel Malloy, a Stamford Democrat now finishing his eighth year in office. “I also believe that the right team needs to have women as part of the team,” she said. “We women have unique skills that the state will benefit from.” As a symbol of her point that women can play a more prominent role in running the state, Stevenson said that she’s putting together an all-women campaign staff.