To the Editor,
For many years the Darien Times has hosted a Thursday morning coffee. The “Coffee”in large part centered around, although not limited to, local, state, and national politics.

You can send your letter to the editor, regular or decaf, to All letters must be in English.
Congressman Jim Himes made it a point to attend, engage, and take the temperature of what was going on in Darien. Thank you to all of the papers editors and staff over the years for taking the time and understanding the importance of this lively engagement.
Recently as many of you are aware the Darien Times was purchased and has undergone some restructuring. We wish them tremendous success.
Almost two months ago the Darien Times suspended its Thursday Coffee. In an effort to bring the caffeine and conversation back to life we are reconstituting the Thursday Coffee starting tomorrow from 10 to 11 a.m. All are invited. Please consider attending.
The Sugar Bowl is located at 1033 Post Road.
Randy Klein