Letter: Darien GOP Chair on Democrat’s ‘Irresponsibility’

Letter letters

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To the editor:

Once again, Democrats in Darien and across the state have shown they have no plans or solutions for Gov. Dan Malloy’s fiscal irresponsibility.

Instead of discussing ways to fix the economy and bring jobs back to Connecticut, they are focused on fear mongering and national party politics. Voters should remember that years of Dan Malloy and Bob Duff have put us in the financial hole we find ourselves in today.

Fortunately, in 16 days, voters across the state will go to the polls to support Bob Stefanowski and reliable Republican plans to cut taxes and grow our flagging economy.

Chris Taylor
Darien RTC Chair


Editor’s note: Darienite.com will accept letters to the editor related to the upcoming elections up to midnight, Oct. 31.

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