CT Transportation Commissioner James Redeker, Legislators Speak Wednesday at Norwalk Forum

James Redeker DOT transportation commissioner

Photo from the ConnDOT website

Connecticut Transportation Commissioner James Redeker

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A two-hour public forum on state transportation issues and problems will be held Wednesday evening with the state transportation commissioner and three legislators, including state Rep. Terrie Wood, who issued this announcement:

If you are a commuter or if you are interested in learning more about state transportation issues, I would like to invite you to a transportation forum in Norwalk on Wednesday, March 28 with Department of Transportation Commissioner James Redeker.

I am co-hosting the forum along with my Norwalk delegation colleagues, state Reps. Fred Wilms and Gail Lavielle.  We have scheduled it to give all of you an opportunity to discuss your thoughts and concerns about state and local transportation needs with ConnDOT Commissioner Redeker and local legislators.

Flyer Transportation public meeting

ConnDOT has proposed raising rail and bus fares 21.28 percent over the next 3 years,significantly reducing rail service on the Danbury and Waterbury Lines.

James Redeker DOT transportation commissioner

Photo from the ConnDOT website

Connecticut Transportation Commissioner James Redeker

Additionally,the governor has cancelled more than $4 billion in transportation projects statewide and introduced a proposal to bring tolls back to the state, raise the gas tax 7 cents over four years and implement a new tax on tires.

— SEE ALSO: State Transportation Chief Describes Service Cuts, Rail Fare Hikes Coming Soon Unless Alternate Funding Found (Jan. 26)

The purpose of the forum is for us to give area residents an opportunity to present their suggestions and voice their concerns about transportation needs for the region and state.

If you are unable to attend the event, please get in touch by emailing me at Terrie.Wood@cga.ct.gov or by calling 1.800.842.1423. I am always happy to discuss any concerns you have with transportation issues.

If You’re Going …

  • The forum will be held from 7 to 9 p.m., Wednesday, March 28 in the Common Council Chambers of Norwalk City Hall, 125 East Ave., Norwalk.


Editor’s note: Darien’s Jim Cameron, a frequent and longstanding public advocate for better transportation in Connecticut, has frequently commented on the responsibility of state legislators for fixing (and, for decades, creating) problems with transportation funding.

He recently said at a DOT public forum in Stamford that, unlike the upcoming Wednesday meeting, did not have legislators at the podium:

“What are we doing here? Why are we at this hearing when nothing that you or I say tonight will do anything to change the inevitability of these fare hikes and service cuts?

“This may be cathartic, but it’s just political theater. The folks you should really be talking to are not from CDOT, but your state rep and state senator. The Legislature created this funding problem and only they can fix it.

“If they raise the gas tax and get serious about making motorists pay their fair share, none of these service cuts or fare hikes will happen.”

Transportation public meeting poster

Poster for the event


Cameron’s columns on state transportation problems, Redeker and state lawmakers:

See also:

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