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Depot Thankful for Eagle Scout Michael Parkhurst’s Service Project Organizing Storage Rooms

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To the editor:
All of us at the Depot Youth Center were so delighted to hear about the Darien Boy Scout Troop 53 Scouts who have earned the rank of Eagle Scout. It is an amazing accomplishment for Scouts Brian Gorey, Michael Parkhurst, and Brendan McMaster. We are so thankful to Michael Parkhurst, who chose to donate his efforts to the Depot for his Eagle service project. He took on the task of organizing, cleaning and painting our back storage rooms while managing an amazing group of volunteers who worked on the project. They transformed and renewed our spaces, which were in dire need of some attention.

Letter to the Editor Columbus

Volunteer Needed to Fill Vacancy for a District 2 Seat on the Representative Town Meeting

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To the editor,

There is a vacancy in Representative Town Meeting (RTM) District 2. The RTM is Darien’s legislative body and is charged with passing ordinances and appropriating funds for Town projects. It also approves collective bargaining contracts for Town employees, including teachers. Any registered voter is eligible for election to the RTM. If you are interested, please contact Clara Sartori at clarasartori0@gmail.com or call me at 203 655 6506 or 203 470 0312.

Letter to the Editor Columbus

Wood: Biggest Issue in This Election Is Pushing Back Against State and Strengthening Local Government

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To the editor:

The biggest issue this election is the ongoing push from Hartford and the majority party to force more taxes/fees/regionalism onto successfully run municipalities and citizens as the solution to our state’s financial woes. Instead we should be looking for efficiencies that can create sustainability across our state. Much of this happens at the local level where town organizations are more accountable and transparent. For their courage and credibility to push back against the top down heavy hand of Hartford, I’ll be supporting these candidates with enthusiasm:

—Jayme Stevenson for first selectman

—Kip Koons & Christa McNamara for Board of Selectman

—Jill McCammon and John Sini for Board of Education

—Taylor Carter and Jim Palen for Board of Finance

—Cara Gately and Larry Warble for Planning & Zoning Commission

These Republican candidates have the relevant experience, integrity and common sense to serve our community well. Please vote Nov.

Letter to the Editor Theodore Roosevelt

Dineen: Re-Elect Kip Koons to Board of Selectmen: His Competence Helps Keep the Town Well-Managed

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To the editor:

A vote for Selectman Republican candidate Kip Koons is a vote of competence. Kip is a lifelong Darienite and is part of the volunteer group of residents that continues to keep Darien a well-managed town. He understands that as a community we need the best schools, local business and a commitment to the environment and family. I have had the pleasure of co-chairing the Ox Ridge Elementary School Building Committee with Kip. His focus has been on getting the job done as a team and building the best school for the Ox Ridge community.

Letter to the Editor Abraham Lincoln

Support Stevenson and McNamara for Selectmen: They’re Kind, Thoughtful, Experienced and Open-Minded

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To the editor:

Please join us in voting for Jayme Stevenson and Christa McNamara for Board of Selectmen!  We have gotten to know Jayme and Christa over many years as friends and as neighbors. The personal quality that stands out the most in these two women is kindness.  They are always thoughtful in all of their interactions and really listen to people in need.  Although they are different women, there is a mature and calm demeanor between the two which will serve us well in our town government. They both have extensive experience and service.  These women are not stuck on one path with one solution. They will be open to a variety of solutions for any issue. Jayme and Christa are committed to our community while being mindful of the cost to taxpayers.

Letter letters

Board of Ed Chair Tara Ochman Has Helped Enhance Education Within a Responsible Budget

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To the editor:
I am writing to support Tara Ochman for the School Board.  She has served on the Board of Education since 2016 and was unanimously voted in as chairperson two years ago. Darien is known for its excellent school system. Tara has continued to enhance that quality with oversight of the selection of our new superintendent, the expansion of the DHS cafeteria and the creation of the Fitch Academy, all while maintaining a fiscally responsible budget with minimal increases. I have known Tara personally and know the incredible number of hours she spends insuring that all of our children are educated and cared for in the best possible manner. Tara has children in elementary, middle and high school, so she understands the needs of each age group personally.

Letter letters

Jill McCammon Brings Commitment and Competence to the Board of Education

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To the editor:

The work of stewarding our district and providing the best education possible for our tax dollars is complex and demanding. Jill McCammon brings an invaluable combination of commitment and competence. An experienced community organizer, Jill led the Council of Darien School Parents for two years.  Her professional experience as a management consultant and passion for education allow her to think big and push our district to be the best it can be for our students. Jill served as the chair of the DHS Cafeteria building committee.

Letter letters

Jayme Stevenson and Other Darien Republicans Provide Prudent, Experienced Management

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To the editor:

In spite of Connecticut’s major fiscal problems, the town of Darien is in better shape than most towns in the state, largely due to the exceptionally prudent and experienced management of our town’s finances and resources by our first selectman, Jayme Stevenson, and her team of Republican elected officials. This town is facing some major, critical issues, thanks to our Democratic legislators in Hartford, and we need the strongest, most qualified leaders in Darien to navigate us through them, as well as through the major structural changes approved for Darien in the coming months and years ahead. Please join me in supporting Jayme Stevenson, Kip Koons, and Christa McNamara as Darien’s team of selectmen, as well as the entire slate of Darien’s Republican candidates, by voting for them on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Jim Metzger
Ox Ridge Lane

Jim Metzger is a  Darien’s Commission on Aging and is the chair of Darien’s Blight Review Board.

Letter to the Editor Thomas Jefferson

David Bayne: Democratic Candidates Bring ‘Unmatched Level of Professionalism, Commitment’

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To the editor:

Tara Ochman, David Martin, Sarah Neumann, Dan Bumgardner and George Reilly are the leadership team Darien needs. Tara has twice been elected by her peers to chair Darien’s Board of Education and was recently appointed to a statewide council on School Administrator Professional Standards. David has a strong financial background as a former JPMorgan executive and Sarah has been a longtime volunteer and leader of parent organizations advocating for Darien’s school children. Both David and Sarah currently serve on the RTM. Dan Bumgardner will add another layer of financial professionalism to the Board of Finance after a 35-year career as a banking executive.

Letter letters

David Martin for Board of Selectmen: Detail Oriented, Fact Driven, Thoughtful and Very Easy to Work With

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To the editor:

I am writing to endorse David Martin’s candidacy for Darien’s Board of Selectmen. I have had the pleasure of serving with David on the Representative Town Meeting Finance & Budget Committee for the past three years and found him to be detail oriented, fact driven, terrific with numbers and spreadsheets, thoughtful and thorough and very easy to work with. In our deliberations David has demonstrated that he always puts the interests of the Town and the taxpayers first. I believe he will work to support the best interests of all the residents of Darien in an inclusive and collaborative manner. David has lived in town for over 20 years and is dedicated to preserving Darien’s reputation as a highly desired community and will work hard to minimize taxes while making the necessary investments to build a better Darien.

Letter letters

Depot Thanks Chamber of Commerce, BMW of Darien, Others for Wine & Food Tasting Event

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Dear editor:
The Depot would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Susan Cator and the Darien Chamber of Commerce for creating the 2019 Darien Wine & Food Tasting & Charity Benefit and selecting The Depot Youth Center as one of the charitable beneficiaries. Susan is a generous and consistent supporter of the Depot mission and this magical event brings together community and local businesses in a unique setting for an evening of delicious food, wine and auction items.
BMW of Darien generously opened their showroom to host this event, Whole Foods Market provided ample parking  and the Gourmet Food Sponsors; Palmers, Fjord Fish Market, Louie’s Italian Restaurant & Bar, The Melting Pot, Scena, The Sono Baking Co. and Chocolate Works Darien provided delicious bites to pair with the diverse wine tasting selections sponsored by Sipstirs. The Depot is so proud and grateful to be a part of such a supportive community! Once again, thank you!

Letter letters

Susan Marks: Support Jill McCammon for Board of Education — She’s Competent, Collaborative and Calm

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To the editor:

On Nov. 5 I hope you will join me and vote for my friend, Jill McCammon for another term on the Board of Education. Jill and I have developed a very special, respectful friendship. She has strong outreach into the community and is always ready to have a conversation. She listens with an open mind; reflects on what she has heard; and follows up by asking difficult, thought-provoking, strategic questions.

Letter letters

Why Do So Few Registered Darien Voters Get to the Polls? Vote, and Vote Republican

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To the editor:

My question: why do so few registered voters in Darien exercise their right and privilege to vote, especially in off-year elections? Is it because they simply don’t care? Are they too busy to take the time to understand the critical issues facing Darien? Do they think their vote won’t make a difference? Or have they become complacent about Darien’s municipal elections, because they feel everything is running smoothly and trust our elected town leaders to keep up the good work?

Letter letters

Re-Elect Kip Koons, Who Helped the Town Buy Ox Ridge Property, Worked on Building Committees, Helps Keep Taxes Low

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To the editor:

I am writing this letter to support Kip Koons for Selectman. Kip has consistently volunteered his time to make Darien a great place to live. Kip is a person of integrity and has quietly made significant contributions to the town. Kip was a member of the Building Committee for the town garage renovation. This was a $6 million project that was delivered one month early and about 9% under budget.

Letter letters

Dan Bumgardner for Board of Finance, a Committed Volunteer With 35 Years in Financial Services

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To the editor:

We are proud to support Dan Bumgardner for the Board of Finance. After more than 35 years in the financial services industry, he sincerely feels it is his turn to give back and serve Darien, the community he has called home since 1999. We’ve known Dan and his wife Patti for 27 years and they are one of the main reasons we chose to move to Darien. Throughout his career Dan has always made time to be involved in the community, coaching softball, baseball and soccer and more recently working with the Darien Community Fund. We have no doubt that Dan will work tirelessly to better our community for all.