Both the Darien YMCA and Darien Library have issued statements to the public about what they’re doing to protect people from COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus.
Cleaners “are taking extra care while wiping down door handles, elevator buttons, push bars and other public services,” said the March 3 emailed statement signed by Library Director Alan Kirk Gray.
The Darien YMCA statement described essentially the same policy: “Our staff has increased wiping down of door handles, ledges and counter surfaces throughout all shifts,” said the statement signed by Darien YMCA CEO Jennifer Gardner. “After closing all surfaces which include floors, counters, bathroom/shower fixtures, equipment, and gymnastics mats are cleaned with hospital grade cleaners and sanitizers.”
Other Recent Darien Statements on COVID-19
Gardner also said: “We are asking all members to clean equipment BEFORE and AFTER workouts, with the sanitizing gym wipes that we provide.”
Hand sanitizing dispensers are located throughout the Y, the statement said, and “Numerous sanitizing wipe stations are located throughout the wellness center, studios, and training center.”
Both the library and the Y asked people not to visit if they are “unwell” (the library) or “who may be ill with a contagious condition” (the YMCA).
We are monitoring the status and potential risk of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) for our patrons and staff and would like to share with you what we’re doing to protect your health and safety. We will cooperate with all federal, state, and town directives regarding public safety.
What Darien Library is doing to mitigate the risks:
- The entire Library is cleaned thoroughly every day, and our cleaners will also take extra care while wiping down door handles, elevator buttons, push bars, and other public surfaces.
- Providing flyers throughout the building from the Center of Disease Control on techniques to help prevent the spread of germs. View the flyer.
- We encourage patrons and staff to stay home and rest if they are unwell.

Sent with the Darien Library email
A poster from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control on protecting yourself from COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
At-Home Library Access
If you’re unable to visit the Library for any reason, we’d like to remind you of all the great resources that you can access from the comfort of home.
- Borrow books, movies, music, and TV shows at Digital Darien*
- Research topics through our online databases
- Watch recordings of events (if we have permission to film)
As always, our reference staff can answer research questions. You may call the reference desk at 203-669-5236 or send an email.
In addition to information about what the Darien Y itself is doing, the statement had advice for what members could do themselves, repeating advice from the CDC that has been repeated often elsewhere.
Here are the opening paragraphs and the section on what the Y is doing (an image of the full statement follows this excerpt):
As you are aware there has been an outbreak of a respiratory virus known as the coronavirus or COVID-19. The Connecticut Department of Public Health and the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are closely monitoring this outbreak. At the Darien YMCA, we take your health and safety very seriously. When a serious health issue arises, our staff team comes together to reassess our strategies to keep our members and staff healthy.
While CDC considers the Coronavirus a serious situation and is taking preparedness measures, the immediate risk in the U.S. is considered low. Basic hygiene is the best thing you can do. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) advises taking preventative measures to reduce risks. […]
• YMCA staff that are ill will be sent home and asked to stay out of work until they are symptom free.
• We are asking members who may be ill with a contagious condition to stay home and return to the Y when they are feeling better.
• As has been the policy, children enrolled in our school/programs are required to stay out of school/programs a minimum of 24 hours after being deemed symptom free.
• Numerous hand sanitizing dispensers are mounted throughout the entire facility.
• Numerous sanitizing wipe stations are located throughout the wellness center, studios, and training center.
• We are asking all members to clean equipment BEFORE and AFTER workouts, with the sanitizing gym wipes that we provide.
• Our staff has increased wiping down of door handles, ledges and counter surfaces throughout all shifts.
• After closing all surfaces which include floors, counters, bathroom/shower fixtures, equipment, and gymnastics mats are cleaned with hospital grade cleaners and sanitizers.
Here’s an image of the YMCA statement (see the bottom of this article for the links in the statement):
Connecticut Department of Public Health website on Coronavirus
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website on Coronavirus
Email Jennifer Gardner: