Darien Health Director David Knauf sent this message to town employees on Thursday, advising them on what they can do to make it less likely they’ll catch the Coronavirus, called Covid-19.
Here’s the full text of the email, most of which would apply to anybody:
Good afternoon,

Darien Health Director David Knauf at the Advisory Board of Health meeting on Dec. 17.
Coronavirus is everywhere in the news, but the fact is that we have had only had limited cases across the U.S. thus far. We are watching all developments closely and will inform you of any changes and whether special measures will need to be taken in the future.
In the meantime, please check www.CDC.gov [the Centers for Disease Control website] for the most up-to-date information on Coronavirus.
You can protect yourselves from Coronavirus the same way you protect yourselves from catching the flu. This includes:
—Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough. Cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not your hand.
—Wash your hands frequently, especially after coughing or sneezing.
—Stay home if you are sick.
—Keep a distance of approximately six feet from someone you suspect may be ill.
—It is thought the Coronavirus is spread by droplets or aerosols generated by sneezing and coughing, so keep public surfaces disinfected and sanitized.
—At this time, the CDC only recommends masks be worn by those who are currently sick.
Links for More Information
Here are some useful references:
—Planning on Traveling Abroad? Check here first for any Travel Advisories
—CDC Guidance for Parents with Children in School
—CDC Workplace Guidance for Employees
—CDC Guidance: What You Can Do To Get Your Household Prepared