Darien High School Band members will stand out in the cold early next Tuesday morning, Nov. 20 to collect turkeys for families who need some help getting food for Thanksgiving this year, and they’re asking for your help.
From 7 to 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 20, band members will be at the bus loop and at the gymnasium entrance at Darien High School. They’ll be there to collect fresh and frozen turkeys, along with cans or packages for side dishes — stuffing, corn and mashed potatoes.
You don’t need to get out of the car — just drive up and hand over your donations to a waiting band member. All donations will go to the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County.
Last year, when the pictures appearing in this article were taken, more than 100 turkeys were collected.
Editor’s note: This article originally was published on Nov. 12. The time stamp has been changed to return the link to the home page.