Lee Gardella, a Darien resident and senior at Fairfield College Preparatory School, recently received a service award, along with several other students, from the Community Fund of Darien at their 37th annual Volunteer Recognition Day which was held on Friday, May 20th, 2016.

Peter Saverine Lee Gardella Beth Gardella / Peter Saverine, Lee Gardella, Beth Gardella
From left, Peter Saverine, director of philanthropy at STAR, with Lee Gardella of Darien and his mother, Beth Gardella.
Lee was recognized for his dedication to STAR and his volunteer efforts which went well beyond the scope of his high school service requirements.
Lee has been an active volunteer with STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way (STAR) for quite some time, helping out with the Theater of STARS program, the Annual Gala testimonials, and the 11th annual STAR walk & 5K run, where he helped to raise over $3,000.
STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way is a not–for-profit organization established in 1952 to serve individuals of all ages who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as providing support services to their families.
STAR creates opportunities for individuals to live full lives with independence, freedom of choice and personal growth by providing support, services and advocacy. They inform and encourage the community to recognize and appreciate the value of all individuals.
STAR serves over 600 individuals from birth through their senior years in Norwalk, Darien, New Canaan, Wilton, Westport and Weston, They inform and encourage the community to recognize and appreciate the value of all individuals.
For more information about STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way please visit their website www.starct.org.