The easiest time to get rid of your hazardous household waste in Darien is coming this Saturday, June 3 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Noroton Railroad Station parking lot, so
You can also drop it off at nearby towns later (see the list below), but it won’t get any easier this year than when you can do it right here in town.

Household Hazardous Waste / Household Hazardous Waste
Examples of household hazardous waste (photo from the Darien Recycling Center on Facebook)
If you’ve already got some household hazardous waste you’re itching to get rid of, put it aside this week and look for more.
Household hazardous waste can be dangerous if some of the chemicals mix for whatever reason (for instance, if you misread a marred label or if something leaks). If you pour them down the drain or throw them out with regular garbage, they can be a hazard to the environment or to other people (or both). If a young child ingests them, the danger is obvious.
So if you never use it, if the container doesn’t seem secure or if there’s some other danger, now’s a great opportunity to rid yourself of it.
Darien won’t accept paint from town residents — you can already drop that off at the Darien Recycling Center (you know, the Transfer Station, the Dump), although you’ll need a dump permit for that. You can also drop it off at some other nearby town’s pickup day.
Here are more rules (and tips on what to look for at home), and a map that may make your drop off a little quicker (especially if you haven’t done it before):
Here’s the full list of area household hazardous waste collection days and locations (and you can also find it here):
For more information about Darien’s Household Hazardous Waste Day, call the Darien Public Works Department at 203-656-7346. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or see this Web page (which is where the above documents can be found).