Counterfeit Bill Passed at Bertucci’s

Police Darien Police 02-01-17
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A patron with two young children at Bertucci’s restaurant gave a waiter a phony $50 bill to pay for a $27 meal on Saturday, Jan. 28, and an employee later spotted the bill as fake. It isn’t known whether or not the man knew the bill was fake.

The patron is described as a man with blond hair, about six feet in height with a thin build and appearing to be in his mid-30s. He was with two chidren under 10 years old and gave the bill to the waiter at about 6:45 p.m.

By 10:10 p.m., a restaurant employee recognized the bill as fake and called police. Police turned over the bill to the U.S. Secret Service.

One thought on “Counterfeit Bill Passed at Bertucci’s

  1. Pingback: Counterfeit $50 Bills Passed at Two Downtown Businesses - DarieniteDarienite

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