Darien Police Department

Counterfeit $50 Bills Passed at Two Downtown Businesses

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Two downtown Darien businesses received fake $50 bills as payment from three men on Thursday, Nov. 30. Darien police described what happened with this account:

The three men went to Gofer Ice Cream at 1020 Post Road and each used a fake bill to pay for ice cream costing less than $6 each. The change for those three transactions would  total $132 — a loss for the store on top of the loss of the ice cream. The Darien police news release didn’t say what time the three men visited or give a description of any of the men other than to note their ethnicity.


Man Passing Counterfeit $50 Bills Succeeds at Some Downtown Darien Businesses

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What are the odds that a man passing counterfeit $50 bills will succeed at a retail business in Darien? What are the odds that those store clerks who do reject the bills will immediately call police? A report to police on Saturday worked like a real-life experiment giving an indication about what the answers to those questions might be, although police may not have found all the stores visited by the man and his counterfeit money. Here’s how Darien police described what happened:

An employee at a store at 1074 Post Road (which is where Wiggles & Giggles is located, according to Google, although police didn’t say that), called police at 1:36 p.m. to report that a man unsuccessfully tried to pass a $50 bill to pay for a $6.50 book. The employee told police that the bill looked old and “not real.”

Darien Police Station

Wanted Woman Surrenders at Darien Police Department: Charged with Passing Phony $100 Bill

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A 25-year-old woman arrested in 2010 on an accusation she passed a $100 counterfeit bill at Walgreens in Darien, then charged with felony-level failure to appear in court in 2013, recently turned herself in to Darien Police. According to police, Octavia Adams, now of Atlanta, went to Police Headquarters on Thursday, June 8, and was held on a $2,500 bond. She appeared the next day in state Superior Court in Stamford, where her bond was reduced to $500. She was released after posting it. She faces charges of sixth-degree larceny and conspiracy to commit sixth-degree larceny, both misdemeanors, and first-degree forgery, conspiracy to commit first-degree forgery, both felonies.

Police Darien Police 02-01-17

Counterfeit Bill Passed at Bertucci’s

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A patron with two young children at Bertucci’s restaurant gave a waiter a phony $50 bill to pay for a $27 meal on Saturday, Jan. 28, and an employee later spotted the bill as fake. It isn’t known whether or not the man knew the bill was fake. The patron is described as a man with blond hair, about six feet in height with a thin build and appearing to be in his mid-30s. He was with two chidren under 10 years old and gave the bill to the waiter at about 6:45 p.m.

By 10:10 p.m., a restaurant employee recognized the bill as fake and called police.