Fifty Darien High School students recently participated in American Mathematics Competitions, earning a certificate of merit for the school, and one qualified for the next round of competition.
The AMC is a challenging exam assessing skills and ideas beyond those taught in the standard high school curriculum. Fifty of the students took part in the American Mathematics Competition 12 (AMC 12) for juniors and seniors. Another 18 students participated in the AMC 10 for freshmen and sophomores.
The students who participated in the recent competition on Feb. 7 are all members of the DHS chapter of Mu Alpha Theta Math National Honor Society.
The Top 5 percent of AMC 12 test takers and 2.5 percent of AMC 10 test takers internationally progress to the next round of competition, the American Invitational Mathematics Exam (AIME). The AIME is a three-hour exam, which will be proctored at DHS in March.
One student, Vincent Xu, a freshman scored in the top 2.5 percent of all AMC 10 test takers and has been invited to take the AIME. The top scorers on this exam proceed to the United States of America Mathematical Olympiad.

Photo from Darien High School
Darien High School math competitors (from left): Jacob Grimm, Daniel Pfrommer, Vincent Xu, Matt Shabet, Aram Russell. (Missing is Dicheng Wu.)
The top three student scores on the AMC 12 were achieved by Matt Shabet, Aram Russell, and Daniel Pfrommer. Daniel qualified for the AIME last year.
The top three scores on the AMC 10 were earned by Vincent Xu, Jacob Grimm and Dicheng Wu.
The combined value of the top three scores on each exam is considered the school score on that exam. Darien High School has earned the School Certificate of Merit for the collective achievement of these students on the AMC 10. This is a prestigious recognition for the school which had been earned last year on the AMC 12.
“It’s a considerable accomplishment to have just under 70 students participate in the competition and be recognized as a school of Merit,” said Matt Buchta, math teacher at DHS and advisor to Mu Alpha Theta Math National Honor Society. “Congratulations to Vincent for being invited to take the AIME. I am very proud of the students collective efforts and achievement in mathematics.”