Letter: This Election Is Our Chance for a Better State Government

Letter letters

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To the editor,

No doubt, many of us will be relieved when the political campaigns and the rhetoric end on election day. But until then, please don’t lose sight of the critical importance of this election to the future of Connecticut and Darien, and of course, to you as a taxpayer.


Two-cent U.S. postage stamp. You, too can get your two cent’s worth in with a letter to the editor published by Darienite.com. Email it to dave@darienite.com. Letters about the election will not be published unless they arrive before midnight, Oct. 31.

As we all know, the Malloy administration and its fiscal mismanagement have been devastating to Connecticut’s economy. As proof, Conecticut is ranked 49th in the United States in fiscal health, according to a recent survey. High taxes and excessive spending have not solved our problems, and they’re not going to.

We must rebuild Connecticut. To do that, the state needs new leadership NOW. Otherwise, NOTHING is going to change. Please think carefully about your choices, and more important, please understand that any vote for someone other than for Bob Stefanowski for governor and the Republican ticket will be a vote to continue on the same downward path we’ve been on under Governor Malloy.

This election is about Connecticut and our future — nothing more. It’s up to you and Connecticut’s voters to decide what kind of future you and your family are going to have as residents and taxpayers of Connecticut. Please vote for change. Vote for Connecticut’s Republican candidates on Tuesday, Nov. 6, regardless of your party affiliation! Your vote is critical in this very close election.

Belinda Metzger
Ox Ridge Lane

Editor’s note: Belinda Metzger is a member of the Republican Town Committee, but she writes in a note with this letter that her statements are her own, not from the committee.

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