You Can Still Register for a Class Saturday on Adobe Software at Darien Library

Photo from Darien Library website
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Editor’s note: This free class at Darien Library takes place from 12 noon to 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 20 (tomorrow) and it isn’t full yet. It costs nothing but your time and energy.

Whether you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, graphic designer, or are just simply interested in creating a specific work such as a brochure, join us!

Photo from Darien Library websiteThis class will go step by step in helping you create a compelling stand out flyer or design a newsletter format for a published work.

This class will cover all of the tools that you need to begin to use Adobe InDesign — a powerful publishing software application. Students will have the opportunity to create a new project with text and images.

We will cover:

  • Formats (saving files)
  • Adding images and logos
  • Adobe InDesign Tools such as typography
  • Managing InDesign Panels including the control panel, tools panel and swatches panel
  • Discuss how to setup a print bleed
  • Tool use

Students are encouraged to bring their individualized InDesign projects to class.

The program is free, but registration is required.


About the Instructor

Chandni Thawani is a graphic designer and a small business owner who uses social media to grow her business. She is an expert when it comes to using social media platforms and their uses.

With her years of experience in both social media platforms and graphic design, you will not want to miss the wealth of information she provides in her classes.

an announcement from Darien Library

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