Veterans Day Ceremony at 11 AM Friday and Other Veterans Events

Veterans Day poster Veterans Administration 911-11-16
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At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month (Friday, November 11th at 11am), the Town of Darien will observe Veterans’ Day in front of Town Hall in the Veterans’ Memorial Circle.


— an announcement from the town Monuments and Ceremonies Commission and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Darien Post 6933


The Town Monuments and Ceremonies Commission and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Darien Post 6933 will host. The 2016 Presidential proclamation will be read. The public and many local and State officials have been invited to attend.

Veterans Day poster Veterans Administration 911-11-16

Veterans Administration poster for Veterans Day 2016

In anticipation of Veterans Day on Friday the 11th, all schools in Darien will be honoring our veterans. It is a day where those whom our children know as father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, aunt & uncle, brother or sister, can be recognized as people whose sacrifice and willingness to serve our country, exemplify the qualities we should instill in our children.

In 1918, the cessation of fighting on the Western Front occurred at 11am Paris time, on the 11th day of the 11th month. This was in accordance with the armistice signed at 5 a.m. that morning in Compiegne, France. In 1919 ceremonies were held in the United States, England, France and Belgium to commemorate the date and time of the implementation of the armistice agreement. Since 1954, we commemorate it as Veterans Day, observed at the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month.

We may not have found peace in the world, but we still strive for it. And we honor those who were and are willing to fight for it. All are invited to retire to the Darien VFW (205 Noroton Avenue, rear entrance) following the ceremony for a very informal gathering with our local veterans

In addition, on Veterans Day, between 6 and 7 pm, the Noroton Presbyterian Church Chapel will host H.E.R.O.E.S. Care/NPC to provide a time and space for private reflection, thanksgiving, and prayer for our Nation. All veterans and their loved ones, as well as residents of our town and neighboring communities, are cordially invited to stop in and enjoy the peaceful setting and quiet music. All are warmly welcomed. For more information on the NPC Chapel event, please contact Evie Knight, H.E.R.O.E.S. Care Outpost Leader, Evie Knight at NPC 203-228-4228. (See the poster below.)

Poster Service Veterans Day 2016 911-11-16

Posted at Darien Library

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