The Rev. David Anderson, Rector of St Luke’s Parish, Announces His Departure

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The Rev. David Anderson, rector of St. Luke’s Parish for more than 15 years, announced on Monday that he will be leaving in early December to become chaplain of Episcopal Community Services, a major social services provider in Philadelphia.

Anderson made the announcement in an email to parishioners on Monday.

David Anderson

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The Rev. David Anderson, St. Luke’s Rector

“This was a hard decision,” he wrote. “Pam and I love the Saint Luke’s community and our life in Darien. I began my ministry with a three-year stint here, and I have been privileged to serve as your Rector for more than 15 years. It’s hard to leave a community so deeply embedded in our hearts. But this call is right.”

In a statement also sent to parishioners, Church Wardens Chuck Jackson and Mark Campbell wrote:

“It’s hard to think of Saint Luke’s without David: on a personal level, he has been a vital part of the spiritual journey of our families. We will miss him and Pam greatly. […] [H]is legacy to us is a vibrant congregation, financially sound and one that has an effective outreach to the community. ”

The process of finding a replacement for Anderson has already begun, and the bishops and staff of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut are being consulted, the wardens wrote.

“The steps with ECCT likely will involve the assignment of an interim replacement, interaction with a consultant provided by ECCT and, longer term, the formation of a search committee to identify a permanent rector,” they wrote. “Please be assured that the wardens and Vestry will provide regular updates in the coming months, as well as a plan to organize get-togethers that will enable the congregation to express wishes and suggestions.”

About David Anderson

According to a biographical sketch on the St. Luke’s website, Anderson “began his ministry at Saint Luke’s, coming here fresh out of seminary in 1989 as associate rector.

“In 1992 he left to lead a church in Pennsylvania and returned to Saint Luke’s 11 years later, in 2003, to become rector.

“David’s ministry includes leading the clergy, staff and Vestry in pursuing our vision — grow personally in faith; build an accepting community; and work alongside our neighbors to serve the world.

“He loves preaching, teaching and writing, helping people to connect with their inner, spiritual lives in a busy, distracting world.

“He is the author of “Breakfast Epiphanies” (Beacon Press, 2002), writes a regular column for The Good News, the newspaper for the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut, and is working on a book on faith after midlife.

“David is married to Pam, a cookbook author and food blogger who offers a lot of hospitality to the Saint Luke’s family. They have two daughters: Maggy, who lives with her husband Andy in Manhattan; and Sharon, who is a student at Yale Divinity School. And two cats.”

Anderson’s Announcement

Here’s the full text of Rev. David Anderson’s announcement:

Oct. 22

My dear brothers and sisters,

I am writing to let you know that the time has come for me to leave Saint Luke’s and move into the next phase of life and ministry. I have accepted a call to become the chaplain of Episcopal Community Services in Philadelphia.

Since 1870, ECS has been a major social service provider in the city, and an outreach arm of the 135 congregations in the diocese of Pennsylvania.

I will be working with the executive director and the ECS team in an “ambassador” role, linking the diocese, the churches and ECS in the gospel work of addressing both the needs of the poor and the causes of poverty itself.

This was a hard decision. Pam and I love the Saint Luke’s community and our life in Darien. I began my ministry with a three-year stint here, and I have been privileged to serve as your Rector for more than 15 years. It’s hard to leave a community so deeply embedded in our hearts. But this call is right.

It takes us back to Pennsylvania, from whence we came, and it offers me a completely new challenge in an urban setting. And this is the right time to hand over leadership. Saint Luke’s is remarkably strong, clear and effective in its mission and financially sound.

Further, the staff and ministry team now in place is, taken together, the finest I have seen. That means this congregation is in very capable hands.

My last Sunday with you all will be Dec. 2. Over the next six weeks we will be able to share stories, laughs and many hugs.

My ministry here is deeply indebted to countless women and men, and I will have further opportunities in the coming days to publicly acknowledge them.

In this brief letter I am grateful to our Wardens, Chuck Jackson and Mark Campbell, for the way they have supported Pam and me in this decision, and for their spirited leadership of our stellar Vestry.

I offer special thanks to Danny Lennox, who has blessed me in more ways than I can count. And I am grateful to Pam, who not only created her own extensive ministry here, but also, quietly, made mine possible.

It has been the greatest honor and privilege of my life to serve Saint Luke’s, Darien. I love you all.

Yours affectionately,

The Rev. David R. Anderson

Statement from St. Luke’s Wardens

The full text:

Dear members of the Saint Luke’s family,

As we convey our deep sadness regarding David’s impending departure, we want to share our commitment to initiating a process that will ultimately identify our next rector, while recognizing the special vibrancy and spiritual core that defines our church.

It’s hard to think of Saint Luke’s without David: on a personal level, he has been a vital part of the spiritual journey of our families. We will miss him and Pam greatly.

Please be assured that the process has already begun and it will involve engagement with the bishops and staff of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut (ECCT) to guide us in the transition process.

The steps with ECCT likely will involve the assignment of an interim replacement, interaction with a consultant provided by ECCT and, longer term, the formation of a search committee to identify a permanent rector.

Fortunately, David and the Saint Luke’s clergy have created a vital and strong team that, along with the Vestry, will effectively manage the church. Moreover, his legacy to us is a vibrant congregation, financially sound and one that has an effective outreach to the community.

We can take comfort from this, and realize that we have the luxury of time to engage in a period of discernment as we consider what will follow.

Please be assured that the wardens and Vestry will provide regular updates in the coming months, as well as a plan to organize get-togethers that will enable the congregation to express wishes and suggestions.

As we enter this time of transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to either of us, as well as to other members of the Vestry. With God’s help we will continue to pursue the vision of Saint Luke’s.

Thank you for being a part of this very special community of faith.


Chuck Jackson                                             Mark Campbell
Senior Warden                                            Junior Warden


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