Since high school juniors received their PSAT scores in early December, many are wondering how to plan next steps. Both the SAT and the ACT have undergone major overhauls in the past year, leaving the college admissions landscape even more complicated.
The biggest question remains, how should students interpret their PSAT scores when designing their testing plan?

The Depot
— an announcement from Carnegie Pollack
Test prep experts recommend planning ahead to help alleviate stress. As founder of local test prep company Carnegie Pollak, Lynn Carnegie has helped prepare Fairfield County students for standardized tests for more than thirty years.
“There are so many questions parents don’t even know to ask about this process, especially with the changes to the SAT and ACT last year,” according to Carnegie.
Carnegie will give a presentation at the Darien Depot at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 5. to help students and parents navigate the changing landscape of standardized testing.
“My presentations will give an overview of the testing options to help create a plan and to make the whole process less daunting,” Carnegie said.
In addition to interpreting PSAT scores, Carnegie will also answer questions about when to begin test preparation, how to choose between the SAT and ACT, and when to take SAT Subject Tests. There will also be time for questions at the end of the session.
Carnegie Pollak has prepared students for college entrance exams in Fairfield and Westchester Counties since 1984.
With decades of experience, award-winning teachers, and a combination of both classroom preparation and private tutoring, Carnegie Pollak has helped thousands of local students reach their full potential. They have been recipients of Moffly Media’s Best of the Gold Coast award for college prep services for seven years.
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