With New Federal Disaster Declaration for Storm Ida, You Can Apply for Assistance Thru Town Website

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With President Biden approving Gov. Ned Lamont’s request for a federal disaster declaration for Tropical Storm Ida on Oct. 30, Darien residents can apply for disaster assistance. A Storm Ida FEMA information page has been added to the town government website, First Selectman Jayme Stevenson announced. “We have accumulated available information from both FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration, including the application process and associated deadlines,” the announcement said. “This page will be updated as new information becomes available.”

Hindley School 4-27-16

Schools Superintendent: Electrical Malfunction and State Education Rules Close Hindley School Friday

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Hindley School won’t be in session tomorrow because the school’s electric system broke down (causing the fire alarm to go off) due to Tropical Storm Ida, Superintendent Alan Addley said Thursday in a message to parents and staff. Students and staff were evacuated from the building. The electrical system — specifically something called the “generator transfer switch” — wasn’t able to be fixed Thursday, Addley said, because there is so much demand for repair work in the area — again, due to Ida — that a licensed electrician wasn’t available Thursday to fix the problem. By the time the long Labor Day weekend is over (lengthened by a day because of the Rosh Hashanah Jewish holiday on Tuesday), Hindley should be open with the rest of the schools in the district on Wednesday, Addley said. The lost day will have to be made up later in the school year, because state rules mandate that school days lost for weather-related reasons don’t count toward the minimum number of days schools must be open in each school year, the superintendent said.