Contest Deadlines are MONDAY for Drop It & Drive Posters (K-5) & Comic Books (Middle School)

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Get your kids creative juices flowing this weekend before the Monday deadline for the kids’ poster contest or the middle school comic book contest for Drop It & Drive in Darien. Your kid can win a prize in these contests and get a boost to motivate his or her creative art efforts. “Creative activities” was one of Darien’s lowest scoring assets in a recent town-wide poll of our youth. The Community Fund’s Thriving Youth encourages participation in this fun and meaningful challenge! Here’s what has already announced about these contests, and here are the contest posters — first the elementary school contest, then the one for Darien middle schoolers:
Drop It & Drive In Darien Poster Contest for Kids, Kindergarten Through 5th Grade
Drop It & Drive In Darien invites all Darien elementary school students to design a poster that promotes safer driving in our Darien community.