Trinity College 910-2-16

Guidance Director Discusses Trends in Darien High School College Applications

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Some changes have been going on in the way Darien High School seniors are applying for college, with increasing numbers using the early decision option and a college in Silicon Valley now becoming a popular choice. The college application process at Darien High School has also undergone a change since guidance seminars were introduced, said Paul Ribeiro, the school’s guidance director, told the Board of Education at its regular meeting Tuesday. Guidance seminars are a collective meeting with students allowing their questions to be answered at once, instead of many different students asking the same questions, he said.  

The increasing trend in early decision applications now accounts for 138 applications from DHS seniors submitted and 94 being accepted (see second chart below; not all statistics are final, which may account for some discrepancies between charts). Ribeiro said he expects this number to increase, which means the Guidance Department will be more accountable for their students earlier on in the college application process.

Darien High School DECA Business Club Brings Home International Trophy

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Darien High School brought home its first international DECA trophy since business teacher Claudia Gray started the local chapter of this club four years ago. Six Darien students traveled to California to compete against winners from 50 states and five countries at the International Career Development Conference on April 26 — 29. The students earned the right to compete at the international level by ranking top in their designated competition area in the Connecticut state competition in March. ____________

— an announcement from Darien High School


The ICDC event brought together more than 18,000 industry leaders, policymakers, teacher-advisers, and the next generation of leaders in business and entrepreneurship. Student members from the United States, Canada, China, Korea, Mexico and Spain took part in several days of leadership activities and competition.

Darien Lights Brigade Stadium Lights 910-26-16

Goal of $750K Raised for Permanent Stadium Lights at Darien High School

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Permanent stadium lights are coming to Darien High School, starting in June, now that the fundraising goal of $750,000 has been met, in the Darien Athletic Foundation announced. Here’s the news release:

The Darien Athletic Foundation announced today that The Darien Foundation led a group of philanthropists to enable the Darien Lights Brigade capital campaign to reach its goal of raising $750,000 by May 1. Achieving the funding goal paves the way for installation of the state of the art LED stadium lights to begin next month. “The dream of a generation of Darien’s youth will be realized this coming fall sports season.” said Peter Graham, President of the Darien Athletic Foundation. “The Darien Foundation had the vision to become DAF’s lead donor in 2013 when DAF was only six months old,” Graham said. “Now, The Darien Foundation’s generosity is enabling the long-awaited Darien High School Stadium lights to become a reality.”

Pam Dysenchuk, executive director of The Darien Foundation said, “The Darien Foundation commends the tireless fundraising efforts of the Darien Lights Brigade and we are delighted to provide this $25,000 grant which got them to their $750,000 goal by the May 1 deadline.”