Letter: Thanks to Everyone Who Made the Darien EMS-Post 53 Memorial Day Food Fair a Success
To the editor:
On behalf of all the young adults and adult advisors of Darien EMS – Post 53, we would like to thank everyone who attended our 30th Memorial Day Food Fair at Tilley Pond Park, supporting us and the work we do in the community.
Your participation helped make this annual Darien community celebration a great success! Each year we enjoy hosting the Food Fair which brings together the community in fun, while honoring our service men and women on Memorial Day. Thank you to the Town of Darien for the use of Tilley Pond Park, and to the Darien Police Department and Darien Parks and Recreation for their help. Thank you to the parents of the young adults of Post 53 who are a huge help before and during the Fair. We also thank the many Darien businesses who donated food and other services for our event, most especially Palmer’s Market, Fisherman’s Net, The Goose, Michael Joseph’s, The Boatyard at Smokey Joe’s BBQ, Expresso Neat, Finocchio Bros. Inc., Mermaid Pool Water, and Ring’s End.