Darien Community Association
Dementia Panel Discussion: A Primer for Families and Caregivers
The Darien Community Association (DCA), in collaboration with At Home in Darien and the New Canaan-based Alliance of Business Professionals, will present a panel discussion “Dementia: A Primer for Families and Caregivers,” from 5 to 7 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 18 at the DCA, 274 Middlesex Road.
The program is targeted not only for the families — spouses, adult children and caregivers of those with dementia — but also other seniors and/or their children who would simply like to learn more about this disease, which is affecting a larger portion of the population in today’s world, as people live longer.
Dr. Stephen Jones, gerontologist and Director of Greenwich Hospital’s Center for Healthy Aging, will explain “What is Dementia?” including the clinical description of types of dementia, signs and related behaviors, as well as current research and medications.
In addition to his position at Greenwich Hospital, Dr. Jones is an associate professor of clinical medicine at the Yale University School of Medicine, a member of the Alzheimer’s Association Medical and Scientific Advisory Board and president of the Connecticut Geriatrics Society. Carolyn DeRocco, vice president of programs and education at the Alzheimer’s Association Connecticut Chapter, will describe ways to navigate dementia’s communication barriers, and services offered by the Alzheimer’s Association for both those with Alzheimer’s disease and their families/caregivers, including ongoing support groups for caregivers. Michelle Lee Beltrano, JD, RN, and attorney in Greenwich practicing in elder law, estate planning, special needs and probate, will speak on “Advocating Today for Your Tomorrow,” which includes the legal issues of planning for the unexpected, and the top five things people should know when caring for someone with dementia.
David Babcock, founder/owner of Home Care Right at Home, a Darien-based firm which serves all of Fairfield County, will discuss the services included in home care for those with dementia, as well as options for home care in Fairfield County and the award-winning Home Care Right at Home in Darien. The program will begin with a reception at 5 p.m., with the panel discussion starting at 5:15 p.m. A question and answer session will follow the panelist presentations.
The event is free, but please RSVP through dariendca.org or by contacting the DCA at info@dariendca.org or 203-655-9050 ext.