Annie Arrix and Lily Kosnik volunteer recognition 2019 Thriving Youth Task Force

Thank You, 
Annie Arrix and Lily Kosnik, for Your Work With the Youth Asset Team

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Thank you, Lily Kosnik and Annie Arrix for your volunteer work with the Youth Asset Team, a project of the Community Fund of Darien. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Annie Arrix and Lily Kosnik’s Work With the Youth Asset Team
Annie and Lily have gone above and beyond as this year’s Youth Asset Team presidents. They have organized and spoken at many special events, helped design the latest iteration of the Our Darien campaign and facilitated meaningful and productive biweekly meeting for their peers. They are insightful, creative, articulate and confident.

Thank You, Kathy Arrix, For Your Volunteer Work With the Depot Youth Center

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Thank you, Kathy Arrix, for your volunteer work with the Depot Youth Center, increasing the organization’s revenue by 83%. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Kathy Arrix’s Work With the Depot Youth Center
Through Kathy’s position as co-president of the Depot in 2018-2019, she increased revenue by 83% from when she initially came onto the Board of Directors. Kathy has been instrumental in keeping the Depot doors open and operating, leading a hardworking and functional Board of Directors and staff. — Kesti Aysseh and Catherine McNear

Here’s the Full List of Volunteers
Each of these volunteers was recognized this year and will be profiled in this series:

Shyamla Menon (A Better Chance);—Nina Miller (At Home in Darien);—Rochelle Charnin (Building One Community);—Frank Huck (Darien Arts Center);—Darien firefighters, including Fire Chiefs Vic Pensiero, Shaun Volin & John Hessmer (Darien Board of Selectman);—Pam Miller (Darien Book Aide Plan);—Cheryl Williams (Darien Chamber of Commerce);—Pat Parlette (Darien Community Association);—Tiffany O’Connor (Darien High School);—Anne Lise Brown (Darien High School Parents’ Association);—Carolyn McGrath (Darien Historical Society);—Janet Cling (Darien Land Trust);—Kathy Larkins (Darien Human Services);—Peter Eder (Darien Library);—Mike Wheeler (Darien TV79);—Scott Overbeck (Darien YMCA);—Jennifer Geddes (Domestic Violence Crisis Center);—David Ball (Family Centers);—Shelly Skoglund (League of Women Voters);—Andrea Huntington (Mather Homestead Foundation);—Katie and Emily Wiley (Norwalk Grassroots Tennis);—Hayley Ackers (Person-to-Person);—Margaret “Annie” Slaughter (Silver Hill Hospital of New Canaan);—Reeve Boeckmann & Elizabeth Hall (The Carver Foundation of Norwalk);—Jill McCammon (The Community Fund of Darien);—Bryne Pozzi (The Darien Foundation);—Donna Collins (The Darien Nature Center);—Kathy Arrix (The Depot, Darien Youth Center);—Annie Arrix & Lily Kosnik (Thriving Youth);—Stephanie O’Malley (Tokeneke PTO);—Katie Murphy (Darien Youth Commission).

Byrne Pozzi volunteer recognition Darien Foundation 2019

Thank You, Byrne Pozzi, For Your Volunteer Work with the Darien Foundation

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Thank you, Byrne Pozzi, for your volunteer work with the Darien Foundation as event chair and then member of the Board of Directors, as well. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Byrne Pozzi’s Efforts With the Darien Foundation
Byrne jumped in full steam to serve as event chair for the 2019 benefit. She has a remarkable ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Her unflappable demeanor, her attention to detail, and her incredible work ethic have brought new energy to the planning process and new volunteers to the committee.

Thumbnail square Donna Collins Darien Nature Center volunteer

Thank You, Donna Collins, For Your Volunteer Work at Darien Nature Center

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Thank you, Donna Collins, for your volunteer work, shaping meaningful and thoughtful exhibits at the Darien Nature Center. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Donna Collin’s Efforts With the Darien Nature Center

Donna has been our volunteer exhibit coordinator and curator at the Darien Nature Center for the past three years. She has gifted the Nature Center her time and talent to shape meaningful and thoughtful exhibits that reflect the values and mission of the Nature Center to celebrate and engage with the natural world. In addition to her curatorial skills, Donna has shared her own beautiful artwork with the Nature Center in exhibits that lift up the natural world to our visiting public.

Thank You, Reeve Boeckmann and Elizabeth Hall, For Volunteering at the Carver Center

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Thank you, Elizabeth Hall and Reeve Boeckmann for your volunteer work with the Carver Foundation, and recruiting others to volunteer there, too. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Elizabeth Hall and Reeve Boeckmann’s Work With the Carver Foundation
Elizabeth and Reeve started a community service club at Darien High School to help students find organizations where they can volunteer. Besides inviting Carver to join their list of organizations, they, along with other volunteers they recruited, helped with Carver’s annual Halloween party and Thanksgiving basket stuffing. They have led their peers by example and shown what it means to serve their community!

Hayley Ackers volunteer recognition 2019 Person-to-Person

Thank You, Hayley Ackers, for Your Volunteer Work With Person-to-Person

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Thank you, Hayley Ackers, for your volunteer work year after year with Person-to-Person. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Hayley Acker’s Efforts With Person-to-Person
Hayley has been a volunteer of the Person-to-Person since 2013, contributing over 1,300 total volunteer hours. Hayley currently serves on Person-to-Person’s Programs Committee, volunteers one day a week in reception, as well as countless hours in our Darien office helping with paperwork. In addition to her time dedicated to Person-to-Person, Hayley volunteers with The Community Fund of Darien as a grant panelist.

Emily Wiley Katie Wiley wide dimensions Grassroots Tennis volunteer recognition 2019

Thank You, Katie and Emily Wiley for Your Work with Norwalk Grassroots Tennis and Education

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Thank you, Emily and Katie Wiley for your coaching and other volunteer work with Norwalk Grassroots Tennis and Education. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Emily and Katie Wiley’s Efforts with Norwalk Grassroots Tennis and Education

Katie and Emily are part of a wonderful group of Darien High School volunteers who assist on the tennis courts, in the classroom and at countless events. Emily and Katie went above and beyond this past year as tennis coach volunteers during the summer and at out holiday events. They are phenomenal volunteers, and we are so lucky to have them as part of our community!

Annie Slaughter volunteer recognition 2019 Silver Hill Hospital thumbnail

Thank You, Annie Slaughter, for Your Volunteer Work on the Pet Therapy Team at Silver Hill Hospital

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Thank you, Annie Slaughter — and Otis! — for your volunteer work on the pet therapy team at Silver Hill Hospital. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Annie Slaughter’s Work at Silver Hill Hospital
Annie joined the pet therapy team at Silver Hill last spring [2018] with her dog, Otis. Annie would like us to believe that it is Otis who deserves all the praise, because as she humbly explains, he is the one who brings delight and humor to the patients every time he visits Silver Hill.

Andrea Huntington volunteer recognition 2019 Mather Homestead

Thank You, Andrea Huntington, for Rejuvenating the Garden at the Mather Homestead

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Thank you, Andrea Huntington, for your volunteer work, single-handedly rejuvenating the sunken garden at the Mather Homestead. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Andrea Huntington’s Work with the Mather Homestead
Andy has single-handedly rejuvenated the sunken garden at the Mather Homestead. This historic garden was a beautiful space created during Stephan Mather’s era and is central to the restoration of the property. Andy has rolled up her sleeves to weed, plant and reimagine this garden!

Shelly Skoglund League of Women Voters volunteer recognition 2019

Thank You, Shelly Skoglund for Your Volunteer Work with the Darien League of Women Voters

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Thank you, Shelly Skoglund, for your work with the Darien League of Women Voters, including putting together the Fall Voters Guide, help with Candidates Night and liaison with the Council of Darien School Parents. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Shelly Skoglund’s Work with Darien League of Women Voters
Over the past year Shelly has taken on numerous leadership tasks. She single handedly compiled our Fall Voters Guide, one of our premiere voter education projects, which solicits and publishes candidate responses to a common question pertinent to their desired political office. She then volunteered as a question sorter at our annual live Candidates Night debate, enhancing the ability of Darien residents to question those seeking elected positions.

Thank You, David Ball for Your Work With Family Centers/Center for Hope

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Thank you, David Ball, for your volunteer work both with with advice for the endowment fund of Family Centers / the Center for Hope, and helping to run the Scrabble Challenge. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. David Ball’s Efforts with Family Centers/Center for Hope

David’s roots with Family Centers run deep. In addition to serving on the Board of Directors since 2015, he has been a longtime supporter of Family Centers. As an investment advisor for UBS, he has also provided counsel on Family Center’s endowment fund.

Jennifer Geddes DVCC Darien Domestic Abuse Council

Thank You, Jennifer Geddes, for Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence and Supporting Victims

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Thank you, Jennifer Geddes, for your volunteer work with the Domestic Violence Crisis Center and Darien Domestic Abuse Council, raising awareness and supporting victims of domestic violence. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Jennifer Geddes’ Work with the Domestic Violence Crisis Center
Jen is a labor and delivery nurse at Stamford Hospital. She serves on the Darien Commission for Aging and on the Darien Domestic Abuse Council. She has worked on raising awareness and supporting victims of domestic violence long before there was a formal council in the town of Darien.

Scott Overbeck YMCA basketball coach square thumbnail

Thank You, Scott Overbeck, for 10 Years of Coaching in Darien YMCA Basketball League

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Thank you, Scott Overbeck, for your volunteer coaching in the Darien YMCA’s winter house basketball league. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Scott Overbeck’s Efforts with Darien Y’s Winter Basketball League

Scott has been a volunteer basketball coach for the Darien YMCA’s winter house basketball league for over 10 years. With five children who have played in our basketball league, Scott routinely coaches two teams a season which is no easy task. Coaching multiple teams has required him to have late Friday night practices to coordinate with his work schedule, sometimes having to leave work early.

Mike Wheeler Darien TV79 2019 volunteer recognition thumbnail wide Facebook Community Fund of Darien

Thank You, Mike Wheeler, for Your Volunteer Work Strengthening Darien TV79

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Thank you, Mike Wheeler, for your volunteer work for over a decade with DarienTV79, helping the organization greatly expand its coverage. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Mike Wheeler’s Efforts with Darien TV79
Mike Wheeler has served on the Darien TV79 Advisory Board for over a decade, the last four years as its chairman. He has been a tireless advocate for ever-expanded programming, bringing the station’s coverage of town meetings to Facebook and YouTube. His extensive technical knowledge and calm demeanor have helped TV79 achieve its most extensive coverage since its founding in 2007.

Caroline McGrath square thumbnail Darien Historical Society Community Fund of Darien 2019 volunteer recognition

Thank You, Carolyn McGrath, for Your Volunteer Work at the Darien Historical Society

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Thank you, Carolyn McGrath for your volunteer work on many critical projects for the Darien Historical Society. —This article is part of a series of daily articles profiling the volunteers recognized in May at the Darien annual volunteer recognition luncheon organized by the Community Fund of Darien. Carolyn McGrath’s Efforts with the Darien Historical Society
A member of the Darien Historical Society’s Board of Directors for a number of years and current co-chair of the House and Grounds Committee, Carolyn has lent her expertise and talents to countless critical projects, even going so far as serving as the society’s interim executive director in 2017. From leading development initiatives to organizing the society’s social calendar, Carolyn’s commitment to the mission of the society is evident. As current co-chair of the House and Grounds Committee, her organizational skills are evident in every room of the facility, and even from the outside.