Stacey Tie and Julie Best: Tireless Leadership, a Firm Grasp of Education Issues

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To the Editor:

As we have seen over the past 18 months, public service in support of our schools can be a challenging and thankless endeavor.

That’s why I am so thankful that Stacey Tie and Julie Best are willing to step forward and serve our students as members of the Darien Board of Education at such a pivotal time.

Letter to the Editor Swords WWII

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Our students would be so fortunate to have Stacey and Julie as advocates at the table on their behalf. For years, Stacey has been my “go-to” when navigating school issues — particularly as my son’s special education journey began.

She has an uncanny way of getting to the heart of any matter with reasoned logic and an impressive level of patience for details.

Importantly, her opinion is valued by parents and administrators with wide-ranging points of view. Last year, I was fortunate to also see Julie’s tireless leadership in action through involvement with the Council of Darien School Parents. Her well-honed skills as a communicator will be invaluable to enhancing board- and district-wide communication with and among stakeholders.

I have no doubt that Stacey and Julie will listen, learn and effectively advocate for what’s in the best interests of all of our students, just as they have for their own. I look forward to voting them onto the board on November 2, and encourage our community to strongly consider the same.


Jennifer Handt

Fitch Avenue

Editor’s note: Election letters will be accepted up to 11:59 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021.

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