Kudos to Best Buy for making recycling so easy! Drop off wires/cords/cables, rechargeable batteries, and plastic bags as you enter the store.

Photo from Darien Recycling Center on Facebook
Recycling at Best Buy
Inside, recycle ink & toner cartridges, video games/gadgets, music & movies, plus much more. Find out more here.
This announcement is from the Darien Recycling Center on Facebook. Like that page on Facebook and you can get your tips directly, as soon as they come out, and keep informed on other recycling information. Find out more about recycling in Darien here.
More tips from the Darien Recycling Center:
- What to do with used water filters
- What to do with old smoke detectors
- What to do with unwanted dry cleaning hangars
- What to do with old sports equipment
- What to do with food containers that still have food in them
- How to dispose of air conditioners, refrigerators, dehumidifiers
- What to Take Home from the Darien Recycling Center
- What light bulbs can be recycled
- Can any batteries not be recycled?
- Which paints are accepted and which types aren’t.
- Four Ways to do Single Stream Recycling Better
- Old Appliances Like Washers, Dryers & Stoves
- You can recycle working markers, pens or pencils.
- Recycling used paper towels?
- On recycling usable and unusable clothing, shoes, linens and accessories like purses and backpacks.
- About recycling various types of metal items.
- What to do with large plastic items.