Baby Born: 18 lbs., 2 Ounces, 30 Inches, Healthy

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At 11:36 a.m. on April 5, Gracie became mother to a son, Sono, at The Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk. Both harbor seals are said to be doing just fine.

— based on an announcement from The Maritime Aquarium

Sono weighed in at 18 lbs., 2 ounces, and has already gained nearly 15 pounds. He’s growing bigger every day. Sono was 30 inches long at birth.

He and his mother are under the care of the aquarium’s animal husbandry and veterinary care teams. Gracie herself, 20 years old, is doing “an outstanding job of taking care of her pup,” the aquarium announced in a news release Monday. 

“Our husbandry team has been working day and night to make sure Gracie and her pup are receiving the best possible care,” said Rachel Stein, associate director of animal husbandry.

Sono Harbor Seal Pup Born

Photo from The Maritime Aquarium

Meet Sono.

Sono’s name was inspired by the neighborhood of South Norwalk, which The Maritime Aquarium has played a significant role in revitalizing since opening in 1988. 

Sono is the second harbor seal pup to be born at Aquarium. A female pup, Eve, was born there in 1989.

Don’t expect to see Sono or Gracie immediately at the Aquarium. They’re not currently on exhibit. In coming weeks, as he grows a bit bigger and stronger, Sono will be introduced slowly to Pinniped Cove — the Aquarium’s 160,000-gallon habitat that allows guests to view the harbor seals from three sides and two levels.

Sono Harbor Seal Pup born at aquarium

Photo from Maritime Aquarium

Practicing his bark?

Currently, visitors can watch the Aquarium’s other harbor seals participate in training demonstrations daily at 11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.

For more information and to track Sono’s growth, follow The Maritime Aquarium online or on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 

Sono and Gracie Harbor Seal mother and son aquarium

Photo from The Maritime Aquarium

Sono and his mother, Gracie

Sono harbor seal aquarium

Photo from The Maritime Aquarium

Sono, in a lighter, fluffier mood

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