Quick Recycling Tip: Shorn Christmas Tree Branches

DCR 12-21-15

Photo from the Darien Recycling Center account on Facebook

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Here’s our first quick recycling tip in an ongoing feature:

DCR 12-21-15

Photo from the Darien Recycling Center account on Facebook

The Christmas tree is up and shining brightly, but are the branches that were removed to make it fit in the stand still sitting in your backyard?

If so, remember that such trimmings can be recycled with YARD WASTE at the Darien Recycling Center!
This announcement was originally posted on the Darien Recycling Center account on Facebook.


Today Darienite.com is starting a feature providing you with a quick recycling tip, at most, three paragraphs long, the tip will address a single recycling tip or suggestion.

The tips aren’t unique to Darienite.com: We’re quoting the tips from the Darien Recycling Center account on Facebook (and usually using their picture) to help more people to read them.

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