Darien Library and The Darien Domestic Abuse Council, Inc. bring the Yellow Dress to Darien to raise awareness and educate our community about Teen Dating Violence and Domestic Abuse.
The program is directed towards high school kids to promote healthy relationships and educating them on teen dating violence.
— an announcement (somewhat reworded) from Darien Library from information posted on the library website. (See the editorial note at the bottom of this article.)
The Yellow Dress is a dramatic one-woman play based on the stories of young women who were victims of dating violence. Speaking in an intimate and honest monologue, Anna describes her relationship that started out as young love full of passion and promise that ultimately ends in tragedy.
This carefully constructed play allows the audience to learn about the cycle of dating violence. The audience watches as Anna describes the different types of abuse that she experienced, the effects that abuse has on the victims of dating violence, and how difficult it is to leave an abusive relationship.
The Yellow Dress was written by Deborah Lake Fortson and originally produced by Sydney Patten.
Editorial note:
More than once in the past, Darienite.com has asked the Darien Domestic Abuse Council to include it in announcements for events important to the community, but we have never received a response. We’ve seen numerous examples over the years of this organization failing to do everything it easily could to inform the public about it’s efforts — even publicity efforts. When an organization in town repeatedly fails to send Darienite.com (and, apparently, others) information about matters the public should know about, we find the information ourselves, publish it and tell our readers of the organization’s failure.