Members of Darien’s Masonic Lodge, Ivanhoe Lodge No. 107 partnered with Darien’s Monuments and Ceremonies Commission’s Cemetery Committee and Good Wife’s River DAR Chapter to cut brush, remove debris, rake pinecones, and clean stones at the Slawson Cemetery on Hanson Road.
— This article, an announcement from the Darien Monuments and Ceremonies Commission, is written by Karen Pollet. The pictures are by David Polett, chairman of the commission and a member of the Ivanhoe Masonic Lodge in Darien.
This cemetery is the resting place of Darien town founder, Thaddeus Bell, his wife and son. Clearing this area is especially important since Darien’s 2020 Committee and Good Wife’s River DAR Chapter plan to mark the Bell gravesite during “Darien’s 2020” honoring the 200 year celebration of Darien’s incorporation as a town.
Editor’s note: According to the Find a Grave website, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, David A. Scofield, is buried at Slawson Cemetery:
“Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient. He served as a Quartermaster Sergeant in the Union Army in Company K, 5th New York Cavalry. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for action on October 19, 1864 at Cedar Creek, Virginia. His citation reads “Capture of flag of 13th Virginia Infantry (C.S.A.)”