Middlesex Middle School Principal Deborah Boccanfuso has told the school district she’s leaving her job to accept a position with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, Schools Superintendent Dan Brenner announced Tuesday at a Board of Education meeting.

Middlesex Middle School
Middlesex Middle School
Boccanfuso’s new job hasn’t been announced by the diocese. She taught at St. Joseph School in Norwalk before coming to Middlesex Middle School.
“She’s built a long, successful career as a teacher, as an assistant principal and as a middle school principal,” Brenner said Wednesday. “She’s built a relationship with her staff and many students. I can wish her only th ebest as she continues to the next stage in her life.”
Here’s the announcement:
Yesterday afternoon, Debi Boccanfuso officially notified the district that she will retire as principal of Middlesex Middle School, effective June 30 of this school year.
“Dr. Bo,” as she is affectionately known, has had a long and successful career in the Darien Public Schools, serving as a special education teacher, an 8th grade science and social studies teacher, a 7th grade science teacher, an assistant principal and finally as principal, all at Middlesex Middle School. Prior to coming to Darien she taught middle school at St. Joseph’s School in Norwalk. Dr. Boccanfuso has accepted a position with the Archdiocese of Bridgeport.
The district is fully aware of the importance of the position that Dr. Boccanfuso has held as principal of MMS for thirteen years. We will immediately begin the process for hiring her replacement and expect to have a successor in place prior to the beginning of the 2016 -2017 school year. We will keep the community updated as we move forward.
We wish Dr. Boccanfuso much success and happiness in this next stage of her career.