Drop It & Drive In Darien invites all Darien middle school students to design a two-page sample of a comic book to promote safer driving in our Darien community.

Drop It
These oval car magnets are about five inches across. So far, 250 have been made.
The theme of the contest is:
- 1st Place Prize — $75 cash
- 2nd Place Prize — $50 cash
- 3rd Place Prize — $25 cash
All current students in grades 6-8 (public, private or homeschooled) who are residents of Darien, Connecticut.
Submission Guidelines
Create your own 2-page sample of a comic book that addresses the issue of distracted driving, particularly of cell phone use, in Darien. Submissions should examine why this is not just a safety issue for teen drivers but applies to everyone, including pedestrians. Show some creative ways to illustrate the risks when drivers don’t focus on the road!
— an announcement from Drop It & Drive in Darien
Each entry must be an 8.5″ x 11″ (letter-size paper) original design in JPEG or paper-based, landscape/horizontal layout, with black-and-white or color drawings and text/graphics on one side only. Entries must be received by the contest deadline, Friday, April 7th, 2016 at 5:00 PM EST. One original design entry per person.
Computer generated images are acceptable as long as they are your original work (no clip art). No copyrighted artwork, characters or name brands (for example “iPhone”) are to be used in the entry.
Entries may be emailed as an attachment to dropitanddrive@outlook.com or mailed to:
Drop It & Drive CT
“Middle School Design Contest”
PO Box 2368
Darien CT 06820
Entries must contain the contest entrant’s full name, home address, email address, telephone number, grade and name of school (or state if homeschooled) on the back of paper-based entries or in the body of emails for electronic entries. Paper-based submissions will be returned only if an SASE is included with the entry.
Selection Criteria
A panel of qualified local judges from The Community Fund of Darien, The Darien Library, Barrett Bookstore and Darienite.com will select the first, second, and third place winners. Entries will be evaluated and winners selected on the basis of their compelling safety message and creative, original and effective visual and textual elements.
The winning entries will be informed in late April 2016 with an award presentation (date TBD) at The Darien Library. Winners will be given further details about the awards ceremony when they are notified in April 2016 of their winning entry.
Entries from prize winners will be displayed at the Darien Library in May 2016 and may be displayed in local newspapers, local websites and on the Dropitindarien Facebook page and the Drop It & Drive in Darien website. Drop It & Drive In Darien reserves the right to reproduce your work. You can reuse all your work after the contest.
- Entries must be received between now and 5 p.m., Friday, April 8, 2016.
- Questions? Please email dropitanddrive@outlook.com.
See Drop It & Drive in Darien on Facebook
“Creative activities” was one of Darien’s lowest scoring assets in a recent town-wide poll of our youth. The Community Fund’s Thriving Youth encourages participation in this fun and meaningful challenge!