Letter: Stevenson, Marks, Koons ‘Exceptional Individuals’

Letter letters

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“Jayme Stevenson has done an outstanding job of providing forward-looking leadership to our town, including being a strong voice for Darien on regional and state matters.”


To the editor:

Please join me in voting for Jayme Stevenson for First Selectman, and Susan Marks and Kip Koons for Selectmen on Nov. 3.

Darien is fortunate to have these exceptional individuals to choose from this election. Jayme Stevenson has done an outstanding job of providing forward-looking leadership to our town, including being a strong voice for Darien on regional and state matters.

Susan Marks has been my neighbor for over 20 years; I can attest that her community outreach is unmatched, and that she is a listener and a problem-solver of the first order.  Kip Koons will add a sage voice of business, legal, and local non-profit experience to the Selectmen’s deliberations.

These are challenging times that call for the best among us to step forward and lead.  Jayme, Susan and Kip have answered that call, and I urge everyone to vote for them on Nov. 3.

John V. Boulton

Editor’s note: You, too can give Darien your two cents’ worth in a letter to the editor of Darienite.com, just email it to dave@darienite.com. We have no particular word limit, although we might edit down letters that ramble at length (and you won’t get many people reading most letters that are very long), so use your common sense.

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