To the editor:
I am honored to have received the nomination of the RTC for
Selectman. Given my background and experience in both the public and
private sectors, I believe I am well-suited to contribute to Darien’s
continued success.

Spencer J. McIlmurray, Republican candidate for Darien Board of Selectmen
For some time our town has enjoyed the benefits associated with its
desirability as a place to live, work, and raise a family. Looking
forward, however, I believe it will become increasingly difficult for
Darien to sustain its position and maintain its base of key assets.
This view is taken due to (1) the likelihood that for the foreseeable
future Connecticut’s economy will continue to falter and (2) if
unchecked, many of the pending and proposed laws, policies, and
programs put forth by our legislators will negatively impact local
commercial enterprises, business professionals, and property owners.
To minimize the adverse effects associated with these conditions, I
believe it is incumbent on town leaders to take more purposeful and
direct action to define – and, when necessary, proactively redefine
– the management approaches necessary to establish and achieve a
comprehensive long-range vision for Darien. For my part, I am ready, willing, and
able to “roll up my sleeves” and work to attain this goal.
I ask my fellow Republicans to make time available to attend the
party caucus in Town Hall on July 27 and directly support my candidacy.
Spencer J. McIlmurray