Letter: GOP Selectmen Have Town in Good Shape to Face CT Budget Mess

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To the editor:

Living here in lovely Darien, it is easy to fail to notice the turmoil in Hartford as Connecticut struggles to get a budget.

For years, our leaders in Darien saw that eventually we would have to “go it alone” without state aid. That day is here.

Our First Selectman and her team have been preparing. Jayme Stevenson has kept growth in town operating budgets modest, yet all the while investing in infrastructure improvements, modern software, better human resource utilization, and collaborative processes to open up lines of communication.

Monthly Operations Planning Council meetings are but one example. Moderate town budgets have allowed the school budgets to grow much faster than inflation, ensuring schools are well funded and supported.

The Best for Darien Team — Stevenson, Marks, and Koons, are proven leaders and are needed to steer our town at this time of disarray at the state level.

Liz Mao

Liz Mao is a former chairman of the Darien Board of Finance.


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