It is with great sadness that the family of Judd Harris Alexander announces his passing on May 18 at the age of 93.

Judd Alexander passed away on May 18 at the age of 93. His funeral service was private.
Judd was born in Owatonna, Minnesota on March 23, 1925. He was the son of Mark and Veta (Harris) Alexander. He graduated from Pillsbury Military Academy in Owatonna before serving with the armored infantry in Europe during World War II where he was awarded a combat infantry badge, three battle stars, and a bronze star medal for valor.
After the war, he graduated from Carleton College in 1949 with a degree in English literature. For the next forty years he worked in the paper and packaging business for Marathon Corporation and its successor companies—American Can and James River Corporation.
He served as an executive vice president of both of the latter two companies. Before his retirement in 1987, he lived in Darien for 25 years. His wife, Theo and he enjoyed their retirement years in Windemere, FL.; Carefree AZ; Quechee VT; and most recently in Exeter, NH.
— an obituary from Stockbridge Funeral Home
He always maintained a strong interest in education. He served as a trustee of Carleton College for 26 years and on the board of the Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Virginia for 13 years.
He was a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow at seven colleges, and an adjunct professor of environmental science for the State University of New York—Syracuse.
He wrote and spoke frequently on the subject of liberal learning and careers. His speeches on the subject were widely republished in the journals of The American Association of Colleges, and in dozens of college alumni magazines and business journals.
He served as national chairman of Keep America Beautiful and of three national industrial trade associations. Other board memberships included Norwalk Hospital, New England Legal Foundation, American Shakespeare Theater and several national and state business associations.
He was active as a writer and speaker on business and environmental topics for thirty years, giving nearly a hundred speeches before audiences of up to 5,000 in the United States, Canada, and Britain. He testified before the Congress and state legislatures on twenty occasions.
A dozen speeches have been reprinted by Vital Speeches, the Congressional Record, the New York Times the Wall Street Journal and scores of trade publications.
His 1993 book, In Defense of Garbage, was named by Choice, the trade magazine for academic librarians, as one of the ten best academic books of that year in science and technology. His biography has appeared in every edition of Who’s Who in America since 1976.
In retirement, he enjoyed writing, speaking, reading, travel, golf and family visits. He chaired a five-year lawsuit which recovered $26 million for 3,000 elderly retirees of American Can Company.
Judd will be fondly remembered by his wife of 62 years, Theo and his three children: Morah Alexander of East Sandwich, MA, Duncan of New Rochelle, NY, and Todd of Norwich, VT and five grandchildren.
A private memorial service for the family members with honor guard and bagpiper was held at the New Hampshire State Veteran’s Cemetery in Boscawen.
Memorial donations may be made to Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, 34 Washington St.,
Suite 200, Wellesley Hills, MA 02481