For Years, Julie Best and Stacey Tie Have Each Been a Go-To Person for Info About Our Schools

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To the editor:

When I first heard that Julie Best and Stacey Tie were running for seats on the Board of Education, I was surprised — because I assumed they were both already on the board.

Letter to the Editor Washington brown

Two cents worth of U.S. postage stamps. You, too can put in your two cents’ worth with a letter to the editor published by Email it to Election letters will be accepted for publication only up until 11:59 p.m., TOMORROW, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2021.

For years, each has been a go-to for information about our schools. Both are active and very visible volunteers in schools and in the community. I watched Julie testify in Hartford to maintain local control of schools and worked with her on the Tokeneke PTO.

Stacey has selflessly provided hours of advice to help me navigate the special education system and regularly reminds local parents to attend and participate in the critical BOE meetings and budget discussions that shape our schools.

Many supporters have already touted the impressive credentials of these two candidates. It is clear that Julie and Stacey have the education, experience, and fortitude to serve on the Board of Education. My votes will go to them on November 2nd because they also have the heart.

Julie and Stacey care about our children. They are committed to ensuring that every student is represented in BOE discussions, be they the most gifted, most challenged or anywhere in-between.

They recognize that a student can unexpectedly move from one category to another, especially in the wake of trauma or an unprecedented stressor like a global pandemic, and will work proactively to anticipate needs and manage resources.

They also care about every parent, teacher, and administrator. They have spent their campaign out in town, talking to us, asking what we want addressed. They serve no personal or political agenda. Their only agenda is for the best education and support for our children.

I can’t think of two better candidates than Julie and Stacey. They are already doing the job.

Rebecca Martorella
Tulip Tree Lane

Editor’s note: Election letters will be accepted for publication only up until 11:59 p.m., TOMORROW, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2021.

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