Darien Parks and Recreation is craving to announce “Something Sweet” — an upcoming pre-Valentine’s Day “dessert war” and gift boutique!
Something Sweet will allow you to indulge with samples of some of the area’s best desserts from local eateries here in Darien! Also, vendors will have an array of gift options.

Photo from Darien Parks and Recreation Department
All’s fair in dessert love and dessert wars (but no food fights).
The event will take place on Saturday, Feb. 9 at the Mather Center (2 Renshaw Road) from 12 noon to 3 p.m.
— an announcement from Darien Parks and Recreation Department
Something Sweet will allow you to indulge with samples of some of the area’s best desserts from local eateries here in Darien!
Taste all the samples and vote for who you think has the best sweet tooth cure in town!
- The DESSERT WAR IS STILL ACCEPTING PARTICIPANTS so if you are a Darien establishment with a dessert you’d be proud to serve, please reach out ASAP to jdawson@darienct.gov or call 203-656-7325.
This Valentine’s Day, Delight your Sweetheart AND your Sweet Tooth! Go to the Parks and Recreation Department website for more information or call 203-656-7325. [Editor’s note — we didn’t actually find information on the 2019 event as of Jan. 12, but it should be posted soon.]

Photo from Darien Parks and Recreation Department
Chocolate is dessert war materiel
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