The Community Fund of Darien announced Monday that the Connecticut Non-Profit Alliance has agreed to assume operation and ownership of the Impact Vine, a free online giving platform site specifically designed for nonprofits.
The Connecticut Non-Profit Alliance assumed responsibility for The Impact Vine platform and all related entities on Jan. 16, 2019.
— This article is based on an announcement from the Community Fund of Darien.
“We very much appreciate the effort The Community Fund of Darien has put into building this platform, and we’re thrilled that they see the Alliance as the right entity to offer it statewide,” said Gian-Carl Casa, president and CEO of the Connecticut Non-Profit Alliance, in a news release from the Community Fund.

Photo from the Community Fund of Darien
From left: Susan Serven, the Impact Vine project director; Gian-Carl Casa, president and CEO of the Connecticut Nonprofit Alliance; Janet King, executive director of the Community Fund of Darien; and Shedd Glassmeyer, Community Fund board member
“Nonprofits of all types and in all regions make Connecticut a better place to live and do business, Casa said.“We’re excited to be able to offer our members the ability to help themselves through crowdsourcing and without us taking a fee from the donations. With this contribution the Fund is helping nonprofits — and the people they serve — in communities across Connecticut.”
The Alliance represents more than 500 nonprofit organizations across all categories, from health and human service programs to arts and culture, and is perfectly suited to utilize the capabilities of this innovative crowdfunding platform.

Image from the Impact Vine website
From the home page of the new website
“The Community Fund of Darien is delighted to have found a home for The Impact Vine where the online crowdfunding platform will continue to enable nonprofits to fundraise for specific projects that support the community,” said board member Shedd Glassmeyer.“The Impact Vine’s founding funders support and innovation made the creation of this giving platform possible.”
The Impact Vine was launched by the Community Fund of Darien in May 2017. The crowdfunding platform provides another way for nonprofits to raise funds for projects in the community and for donors to support those projects.
“The Impact Vine harnessed the power of social media and technology, and became a community-led, community-based initiative powered by donors, volunteers, and supporters with one common goal: making a difference by creating an online giving platform to fund immediate projects, a news release from the Community Fund said. “Together, we made a difference.”
Since its inception, The Impact Vine has raised $134,000 and funded 111 different projects for numerous Fairfield County nonprofit agencies including a new freezer for a local homeless shelter, assistance for a single mother of two suffering from late stage breast cancer, and grocery trolleys for the elderly and lower income to use when picking up food.
“The Impact Vine has been a very effective way to raise funding for local programs and projects that might be considered too small for traditional grants but that make a large impact on the individuals who benefit,” said Peter Saverine, director of philanthropy for STAR, Inc., Lighting the Way. .
“The peer-to-peer, neighbor-to-neighbor platform has been easy to use and effective in connecting potential donors to hyper-local missions that elevate our communities,” he said.
About the Community Fund of Darien
Founded in 1951, the Community Fund of Darien is a highly respected nonprofit that plays a significant role in addressing health and human services needs in Darien, Norwalk and Stamford through strategic leadership and grant making. Our mission is to enhance the capacity of the community to care for one another by:
* Assisting the community to identify and prioritize needs
* Keeping the community informed about efforts to meet those needs
* Providing cost effective fundraising
* Distributing funds to meet identified community needs
* Assuring accountability of grant recipients
* Fostering coordinated and cooperative efforts to deliver services
For more information on The Community Fund of Darien, please visit its website or or email them at