The Depot Darien Youth Center presents “Come & Let’s Talk: Juuls & Vapes” ab0ut what teens should know about vaping, particularly with the “Juuls” brand. The presentation takes place at 7:30 p.m. tonight at The Depot, 25 Heights Road.
Dennis Bludnicki has been with Liberation Programs, Inc. for over 12 years, working as a drug counselor at Greenwich Youth Options, and a counselor at Liberation’s outpatient clinic in Stamford facilitating early recovery skills for adults. Dennis now works with youth and their families, providing prevention, education and drug and alcohol counseling.

The Depot
Maggie Young, MSW, LADC, B.S, CCS has been with Liberation Programs, Inc. for over 24 years, working as a case manager, counselor, team leader, and Director of the agency’s male (Liberation House) and female (Families in Recovery) inpatient treatment programs. She is currently the Director of Women and Children Services in Greenwich.
Holly Robinson, MA, NCC joined Liberation team in 2017. She specializes in substance abuse prevention, education and counseling to youth and their families.
This is a follow-up to the program on March 15, with Dennis, Maggie and Holly. Attendence at the first program is not a prerequisite for this one.