Darien residents can exchange five traditional light bulbs for five free LED bulbs at Darien Library’s second annual All Things Green Festival from 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 24.

This poster for the event is shown in larger size at the bottom of this article.
The festival celebrates Earth Day and all things eco-conscious, and helps you learn great ways to save on home energy costs from energy experts.
Enjoy learning activities for children, face-painting, and plant a sunflower for the library — the perfect Sunday afternoon.
— adapted from announcements, including this one, from Darien Library
Lightbulb Exchange
This year, we are thrilled to announce that the town of Darien has earned a Bright Idea Grant! Darien residents can exchange up to five LED light bulbs, free of charge, to help reduce the amount of energy used in their home.
Bring up to five incandescent bulbs and proof of Darien residence for an equal number of long-lasting, energy-saving LED light bulbs.
“LEDs are more durable, last 40 times longer, and use a fraction of the electricity needed to operate traditional bulbs!” according to a post by the Darien Recycling Center on Facebook.
The lightbulbs, equivalent to 60-watt incandescent bulbs, will be given out “while supplies last,” according to a poster for the event from Eversource, the electric utility serving Darien.
Plant Sunflowers and Learn About Saving Energy
In addition to the light bulb exchange, bring the whole family to plant sunflowers and learn how you can make your home more energy efficient year round.
This year the festival is highlighting the many ways to make your home energy efficient. Save money as you save the planet! Learn more about home energy audits, solar panels, insulation challenges and solutions, and much more!
The time stamp for this article, originally published on April 18, was changed to return it to the Home page.