To the editor:
Parenting can be very challenging and we all need support. Darien is very fortunate to have many caring adults and access to supportive youth organizations. As a member of the Thriving Youth Task Force, I am extremely proud of the work we have done to support and educate the Darien Community about the risks of underage drinking.

Two-cent U.S. coin. You, too can put in your two cents’ worth with a letter to the editor published by Email it to
We have done this through mailings, posts on various social media outlets and speakers. The fourth and final “Our Darien” campaign will be launched soon. We hope you lean in and engage with the content that will be released over the coming eight weeks.
We want every parent in Darien to have an opportunity to either start to or continue to learn about the emerging research of the risks of teen binge drinking and how you can all be part of the solution!
We are one community and we are all trying our best. There is nothing more important than the mental and physical health of our youth! Please join me in “Our Darien”
Thank you
Susan Marks
Vice Chair, Thriving Youth Task Force of the Community Fund of Darien