A man looked out the window of his home in the Kensett development when he looked out the window to see someone walk up his driveway and open the driver’s side door of his unlocked Jeep Grand Cherokee.

You can see this statement on the back of Darien Police patrol cars: \”LOCK YOUR CAR. EVERY TIME. EVERYWHERE.\”
Which was where his wallet was.
The man told police that he went outside to confront the thief when he saw him saw start searching around inside the vehicle. The thief saw him and started walking away, with the victim’s wallet in his hand.
The victim told the thief to drop the wallet, and he did, running off. It was about 7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8. The victim called police.
The victim told police that he thought the thief ran off into a cemetery next to the Kensett development. Police found that a part of a fence at the cemetery had been pulled down.
The man described the thief as a Hispanic teenager, about 17 or 18 years old, five feet, eight inches in height and weighing about 150 pounds. He was wearing a black zip-up jacket.
Nothing else was removed from the 2011 Jeep, and nothing was removed from the wallet, the victim said.
Police talked to neighbors and found no other vehicles appeared to have been entered, although a resident on nearby Greenwood Avenue said that at about 4:45 p.m. there were two males, apparently teenagers, on bicycles, one of whom may have been the suspect.