Little Brown Bat

Rabies Found in Bat Captured a Mile North of Darien

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A bat captured Aug. 1 inside of a home on Tommys Lane in New Canaan has tested positive for rabies at the state laboratory, according to officials in the Animal Control section of the New Canaan Police Department. Residents of the home on Tommys Lane, about a mile north of Darien, were advised to seek medical advice. Their dog received a rabies booster and is being observed for 45 days. — This article originally was published by

Mountain Lion via Wikimedia Commons via Flickr

You Don’t Like Canada Geese? New Canaan Seems to Have a Mountain Lion

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Town officials said on Monday that they received a credible report of a mountain lion sighting in New Canaan earlier this month. And not far from Darien. The Jan. 16 sighting on the eastern end of Nursery Road (just north of the Merritt Parkway and about a mile from the northeast corner of Darien) came in from a man who described a tail three feet long — a physical characteristic that distinguishes the cougar from smaller felines, such as bobcats — and saw the animal directly in front of his car. ____________

— This article previously was published by