Wallet Gone — 10 Minutes After It’s Left in Shopping Cart

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A 35-year-old woman returned to the parking lot at Goodwives Shopping Center last Friday, 10 minutes after she left her wallet in a shopping cart there, but the wallet was gone.

The woman, a New Milford resident, told police she had been at Stop & Shop from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., when she left the shopping center at 25 Old Kings Hwy. N., then returned at 12:40 p.m. to find someone had already taken the small, black wallet. Stop & Shop management said no one had turned it in.

The wallet itself didn’t have much value, she said. It contained several credit cards, $50 in cash and her driver’s license. There was no indication later that any of the credit cards had been used or that someone had tried to use them.

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