To the editor:
It’s a pleasure to write this letter in support of Monica McNally as Darien’s next first selectman.

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Currently serving on the Board of Selectmen, Monica brings a wide range of relevant experience to the responsibilities of first selectman. She’s served in leadership roles for eight years on the RTM and knows the operations of our town.
She was a successful financial advisor for 10 years with Smith Barney and thoroughly understands bond markets, interest rates and cash flow. Monica was a founding member of OPUS for Person to Person and has chaired several other community organizations.
I’ve known and worked with Monica for over six years. Transparency and accountability are her hallmarks. She listens with an open mind and open heart to differing points of view all with a sense of humanity and good humor.
Monica believes strongly that the most efficient town government is one that makes local decisions. She will advocate against the ongoing effort by the majority party in Hartford to take away local decision making on our zoning, schools, and health department.
Jon Zagrodzky and Marcy Minnick are Monica’s teammates for the Board of Selectmen. They will deliver the right balance, experience, and temperament to serve our town well. And they will continue the strong and straightforward leadership that Jayme Stevenson and her team have provided over the last 10 years.
Terrie Wood
State Representative, 141st district
Darien and Norwalk
Editor’s note: Wood is a Republican, as are McNally, Minnick and Zagrodzky.