UPDATE: Preservation of Property on Long Neck Came After Months of Effort

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A total of 1.963 acres of a  4.8-acre estate on Long Island Sound is being set aside and won’t be built on, according to an agreement made with the Darien Land Trust and filed Dec. 18 in the Darien Town Clerk’s Office. UPDATE: Jan. 1, 2016:

Preventing intense development on the 4.8-acre property at 203 Long Neck Point Road was a major reason Darienites Paul “Flip” Huffard IV and his wife, Kimberly, bought the property earlier this month, said Shirley Nichols, executive director of the Darien Land Trust. Neighbors and others who were concerned about preserving open space on Long Neck Point peninsula “were hoping to garner support to purchase the whole place,” particularly after a subdivision into four lots was approved by the town, Nichols said.

Sunrise from Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Emoji_u1f305.svg

Sun Rises, Someone Spraypaints Swastikas on Trees, Baby Cries, Life Goes On

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The least interesting report out of Monday’s Darien police news briefing on Monday was that someone had vandalized a few trees (probably with spray paint), by adorning them with red images of swastikas and the phallic part of the male anatomy. The event happened sometime between noon on Saturday, July 18, and noon the next day at the Olsen Wood Bird Sanctuary, a tract owned by the Darien Land Trust consisting of a trail between Echo Drive and Heather Lane, parallel to Hoyt Street. A 16-year-old girl did the right thing and reported the matter to police. The land trust was informed. For some reason, other news publications covering Darien thought that this was the first report from the briefing that they should publish.